Page 52 of The Nanny Trap
Of course, Jess knew that wasn’t the reality, but she’d always been one to set her sights high. Her dream was to be a writer living in New York. She’d already had a couple stories published in small magazines. She planned to major in creative writing in college. Bella had little trouble imagining Jess succeeding in her goals.
“You should get it for her.”
“She wouldn’t have any place to wear it.”
“She would if she came to visit you in New York.”
“That won’t happen until next summer. She’s saving money for a plane ticket.”
“Is it lonely being so far from home?”
“I miss my family, but I love living in New York.”
“So you aren’t going back to…where are you from?”
It was then that Bella realized Blake hadn’t told his stepsister about his engagement. It might have upset her that he hadn’t shared the news if she’d called Deidre or her family to tell them she was engaged. Normally she shared big news like hers right away. Instead, resistance rose inside her every time she went to dial home. It made her question if she was doing the right thing.
But how could marrying Blake be wrong? She loved him. She loved their son.
“I’m from Iowa. But I’m in New York to stay.”
Bella continued down the street toward the store Jeanne had suggested they visit. The Pea Pod specialized in unique baby clothes as well as creative toys. She pushed the door open with her left hand and guided the stroller inside. As she held the door open for Blake’s sister, she noticed Jeanne’s attention snag on the four-carat diamond Blake had put on her finger yesterday.
“You’re engaged?” Jeanne’s tone held accusation as she glared at the ring. “To my brother?”
“Yes.” At that second, Bella wished herself a hundred miles away. “He asked me yesterday.”
Shock and disappointment reflected in Jeanne’s expression. She was Victoria’s best friend. Bella was certain Jeanne had been keen to have Victoria and Blake reconcile.
“Are you in love with him?”
“Of course.” Bella couldn’t believe the question. She yanked her hand free. “Why would you even ask that?”
“For someone like you, my brother must seem like a gold mine.”
“I suppose that makes me a gold digger?” Shaking with suppressed fury, Bella still managed to keep her tone civil. “Do you think your brother is that gullible?”
Was this what Blake had been avoiding by not telling Jeanne about their engagement? No, Blake didn’t dodge problems. He met them head-on. Bella was certain it was simply a timing issue between him and his stepsister.
“I think that because you were Drew’s surrogate, Blake has a blind spot where you’re concerned.”
“Are you implying I would use Drew in some way to get to Blake?” Any joy she’d felt in the day was long gone. “That’s not who I am.”
Bella’s throat closed over further words. She glanced around the store, reassured to see their discussion hadn’t garnered any attention. Moving awkwardly in the tight space between displays, Bella navigated Drew’s stroller until it was pointing toward the exit. Outside, Bella looked around, unsure where she’d left her car.
“I never said it was.” Jeanne had followed her outside. “But aren’t you moving too fast? You’ve only been back in Drew’s life for a month.”
“I love Drew.”
“You abandoned him nine month ago.”
Bella needed to get away from Blake’s sister. She needed time to process what Jeanne was telling her. But as she headed back the way they’d come, Blake’s stepsister was at her side. Feeling like a cornered animal, Bella rounded on her. “Victoria asked me to go. She said she and Blake needed time and space with Drew to become a family. So I left and I stayed away.” At the end of the block she stopped to let several cars go before it was safe to cross.
“Does Blake know that?”
“I told him.”
“No wonder he doesn’t want to get back together with Victoria.”
“There’s more to their situation than that.”
“Tell me.”
Bella clamped her lips together and shook her head. “I’ve said enough. You need to get anything more from either Victoria or Blake.”
“Then that’s what I’ll do.” Jeanne stared at Bella a moment longer before turning on her heel and marching away.
Bella’s gaze followed her. Was that what everyone in Blake’s circle would assume? That she was marrying him for his money? The anonymity she’d enjoyed as a simple kindergarten teacher in New York City would be shattered as soon as news of their engagement reached the gossip columnists. It didn’t take much imagination to picture the announcement on Page Six.