Page 24 of No Rest For Wicked
“I’m no sorceress, you silly man. And don’t worry, your secrets are safe with me. As they would be if given to these three as well.” Her eyes seem to sink beneath my skin as I try to rip my gaze from hers, but I’m unable to do so. “A burden as big as yours does no good to be carried alone, Nic. Share the weight of it and you’ll find your troubles cut in half. Or…fourths, in this case.”
I don’t understand.
“You will.” Her gaze turns sharp once more, releasing me from the hold of sympathy and care in which she had snared me. “Stop trying to conform yourself or my granddaughter into rules long thrown out. They used to say it takes a village to raise a child–and they were right–but sometimes…it also takes more than one man to heal a heart. If you keep holding back or pushing the issue, you’ll turn around one day and realize that you’re the only one who ended up alone.”
I’ve never feared being alone. I’ve been alone for a very long time.
“Perhaps. But, where’s the fun in that?” She pauses, her eyes flicking to Wicked for a moment before pinning me back in place. When she speaks again, her voice is much quieter, so much so that I find myself stepping forward and angling my head to hear her. “What happened to your mother…it was absolutely terrible and I am sorry, but if you keep trying to control Izabella under the mindset that it will keep her safe, you’ll only push her further towards danger.”
She throws her arms out suddenly as if exasperated with me. For what? I don’t know. “Yes, she’s just as stubborn, bullheaded, and outspoken as your mother was, but if you try and prohibit her from being herself, it’ll only cause her to resent you in the long run. You challenge her, Nic. But don’t make the mistake of challenging her on the wrong things. Challenge her to think harder, be smarter, but don’t take away her fire.”
My mind seems to swirl chaotically with every word she says as I stand glued in place, my heart battering at my ribs. She reaches up and her frail, but surprisingly strong, fingers grip my chin tightly as she angles my face towards her.
“No longerpequeno, but just as much aguerrero. Be herguerrero, Nic. She’ll need you in the coming days.” My mouth turns down in a frown as she lets go of my face, giving me a gentle pat on the cheek before stepping back with a sad smile.
What do you know, hechicera?
“What makes you think I’ll tell you, boy?” Her voice switches back to her slightly menacing and judgmental tone as she speaks loud enough for everyone else to hear again. But it doesn’t feel as…convincing this time. “You’re still very much on my shit list. You can ask Wicked what happens to those who don’t find a way off before purge time!”
I glance at Wicked as a smile overtakes the suspicion that was just twisting her features, no doubt curious as to what our quieter moment entailed.
“I’m not gonna tell him! He’ll just have to wait and see!” She cackles, her grin turning wicked as Gizmo and Snitch jump to her shoulders. Her nana joins in on her laughter before turning to Ezra and Kai, taking on the appearance of someone far frailer than I know she is.
“Ezra, dear. Would you mind helping an old woman to the car? I think it’s quite time we go have some fun before my curfew.” Ezra immediately swoops in and guides her to the passenger seat, helping her in as Kai leads Wicked to the back, helping her find a spot in the middle seat before hopping in next to her.
I tear my eyes away as his arm immediately snakes over her shoulders and she leans into his side, giggling at something he says before his mouth finds hers in a stolen kiss. I hear the slamming of three doors as I stand frozen in place. My mind a vortex of new and surreal emotions; pain from wounds reopened, doubt from the words of a psychic old woman, and sudden loneliness brought on by the actions of a man who thought he was strong, but suddenly realizes just how weak he’s become.
I guess I was wrong, I really don’t know anything.
Entering the bowling alley brings on a whole bucket load of fuzzy feelings. The greasy, delicious smells, the loud smacking of bowling balls against pins, and the raucous laughter wrap around me like a warm, weighted blanket. There’s nothing quite like bowling night. Even if I didn’t want to risk Nana’s safety, it still brings on a level of comfort that only, well, Ezra seems to give me.
“Wicked!” Ryan’s excited voice pierces through the business of the crowded alley, his aura quickly surfacing as he races towards me, all bubbly glee.
“Hey, Ry.” I reach my hand out to the left and Ezra, who always maintains his position next to me, opens his arm and lets me wrap mine through his. Ryan stops in place as he reaches us, his aura focusing on the men surrounding me and Nana, his vibrations switching to shock.
“Who are they?” Voice dripping with snark and contempt, Ry stays a few feet away, but I feel his attention on where my arm is currently hanging on to Ezra’s. “Is this the guy you were with when I called?”
“Nope. Sorry, buddy, that was me!” Kai is a ball of pride and joy as he steps into my other side and wraps his arm over my shoulders. “Kai Zhao, nice to meet you…”
Ryan completely ignores Kai’s opening for introductions, anger starting to emanate from him like a pulsing cloud of toxicity, so I step in before he does something stupid.
“This is Ryan, he works at the food counter, but I keep telling him that he’s far too good for this place. He should totally open his own diner or something. Right, Ry?” I keep my voice light and breezy, even if my stomach is currently clenching at the jealousy running rampant through Ryan’s aura. Like he has some sort of claim over me.
“Oh, knock it off, boy. It was never going to happen between you two. Let it go.” Nana chastises as she stands impatiently off to the side, my jaw dropping as she interjects herself into the situation.
“Shush, girl!” She steps forward towards me, Gizmo and Snitch hanging around her legs, making it just that little bit more difficult for her. “He’s acting like you’ve been cheating on him. You’ve never given him any reason to think he has a right to you. You should hear some of the thoughts running rampant in his head. It’s disrespectful and a complete turn off!” She turns back to him before I can stop her. “My granddaughter is quite taken these days, Ryan, I think it’s high time you move on.”
“What? Am I wrong?”
“You can’t talk to people like that!” I chastise, wholly embarrassed at her outright slamming of his behavior.
“Izabella Wicked, when did you get soft? I’ve heard you put people in their place as if it was second nature to you. Don’t tell me you’ve grown a heart just in time to let people walk all over you!”