Page 26 of No Rest For Wicked
“Wait-” I don’t wait for Kai’s answer, winding back and focusing on every pulse and vibration from my babies I walk forward and release the ball.
Gizmo and Snitch, ever the little buggers that they are, follow it down the lane in a frenzy, uncaring of the dangers in their positions. Which is exactly why I always have to rent at least three to five lanes when we bowl. They can’t help it and I don’t want them to get hurt. With their help though, I’m able to get the pulsings of my shot instantly and I turn towards the guys with a triumphant grin, slamming my hands on my hips as Nana starts laughing.
“Looks like one of you is on the couch tonight.” She cackles as Kai groans.
Prancing back to my spot, I pause next to Kai’s seat, and pat him on one shoulder, then the other. “I now dub thee Sir Bonehead, may your service be long and full of regret.”
Nic and Ezra both chuff out laughs as Kai groans once more and slides further into his chair.
I clap my hands and bounce on my toes, a wicked grin on my face. “Now who’s ready to party?”
* * *
“Yeah. Thanks. Bye.” I mutter through the phone, shock freezing me in place as I numbly answer the woman on the other line before hanging it up all together.
Shit. Fuck. No. How am I supposed to tell the guys this?
My focus switches back to where I’m at, but the happiness that I was once feeling is now sucked away completely. Every drop of joy and comfort that’s been built up over the past couple weeks is drained dry and in its place, a flood of panic and despondency.
I feel like I’ve finally gotten something in my life that seems to be filling a hole that I didn’t even notice was there. Sitting at the table behind the two bowling lanes reserved for us for the night while my nana absolutelyfawnsover Kai and Ezra, the betrayal revealed to me starts to sting–the burn of it spreading to eviscerate the pain of the situation, leaving behind only a simmering fury.
I try to return my focus to eating the nachos in front of me, intent on leaving this bit of bad news for later and letting everyone continue to have a good night, but I’m lacking the enjoyment I once had for one of my favorite fattening appetizers. Each chip I jerkily shove into my mouth is punctuated by a grinding of teeth and a growl in my throat.
“What did those nachos do to you?” Nic’s smooth, accented voice surfaces behind me as his aura flickers into the spotlight of my attention.
“They spoke to me in a sexy Spanish accent and dressed in ridiculously overpriced clothes. What can I say? It wassoannoying!” I practically gag myself with the next cheesy covered chip when I slam it into my mouth too far.
“Easy there, Wicked. I have something far less dangerous for you to choke on if you’re looking for that sort of thing.” I–quite ironically–choke on the chip at his words and he chuckles in that manly, overly sexy way that men tend to do. It infuriates me.
I chug more of my wine to soothe the pain of the chips' violent assault on my throat and force out a sardonic laugh, wiping my face with the back of my sleeve. “Baby, hate to break it to you, but I don’t think you could choke a smurf with what you’re packing.”
It’s a lie. I know it. He knows it. I’m just feeling extra combative and looking for some kind of fight, but he doesn’t rise to the occasion how he normally would. He simply chuckles a-fucking-gain, his aura flaring with uncontained amusement, and I only get angrier.
“We could go test out that little theory if you want. I can show you exactly whatthiscan do.” His words are emphasized by a rustling of movement and I roll my eyes knowing he probably just cupped his junk in that annoying alpha way guys do.
“Thanks for the offer, but I don’t think that’s a taste I’ll ever get out of my mouth. Probably like swallowing battery acid.” There’s the flash of irritation I was waiting for.
“¡Por el amor de dios!” His exclamation is flooded with a growl and a smug grin lights up my features, but it quickly drops at his next words. “Can’t you just be fucking nice for once? I’m trying here!”
I almost feel guilty for a second, but I kick that shit right in the metaphorical junk and spin in place to face him. “Oh, so trying to get me to suck your dick is consideredtryingfor you? It’s either angry or horny, huh? Should I just drop to my knees or spread my legs every time you want totry?! Is that it?”
“What? Jesus! No! That’s not-” His aura is pure confusion and shock as I cut him off, my anger burning a trail through me and riding me hard.
“Oh shit, my bad.” I throw my hands in the air, standing up and not caring that I’m practically yelling at this point. “I forgot you like me to bend over so you can rut me like a bitch! News flash, douchebag, sex isn’t trying! It’s easy. It’s avoidance. It’s-”
I cut off, noticing the flood of auras surrounding where we are, every single one of them focused on me in confusion and caution. I snap my mouth closed, the fight abandoning me completely. Without the anger fueling my actions, I’m only left with the emotions that make you weak. Sadness, hurt, and so much more that I can’t even put a name to.
“Bell?” My nana’s comforting voice threatens to tear at the last bit of control I have, my body jolting from the force of my own inner turmoil trying to unleash itself.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean…” I wrap my arms around my middle as I trail off. Nana, Kai, and Ezra move in closer to me, their auras all pulsing with concern and worry.
“Tell them, dearie. Don’t hold back to protect them. You’re a team, remember?” Nana–always the voice of reason–is full of understanding and encouragement and I let out a sigh that could rival the snores of a sleeping giant in its strength.
“Andy called me.” I start, hesitating now that I’m facing the facts myself. I hate it. I don’t want it to be true. “The only person who accessed the evidence room the night of my attack was…Alan.”
Worry switches to fury on the flick of a dime, well aside from Ezra–whose aura is just as calm as always. Even my usual jovial prankster, Kai, is a ball of anger and disbelief. Nic is a raging volcano of disgust and outrage. But underneath all of their surface emotions is a bubbling pool of hurt.
They all admired and respected Alan as a leading figure in their lives. They might not have been as emotionally close to him as I was, but it’s a blow just the same. I know this is affecting them as much as it’s affecting me.