Page 35 of No Rest For Wicked
When Emmerson’s aura shimmers with an urge to inflict violence, I step further into Ezra’s side, kinda sorta stepping behind him so he shields me. I’m not a pussy, but I’m not stupid. I can’t take a grown man in a fist fight. That’s what these guys are here for.
“I wouldn’t do-” Emmerson rushes forward, rage riding him and directing his actions, but ends up flat on his ass at the bottom of the porch stairs in seconds. “That…” I finish my sentence awkwardly with a sigh before stepping to the side as both Nic and Kai join Ezra as he charges off the porch after Emmerson.
“Don’t you fucking touch her.” Ezra’s deep, gravelly voice is so filled with venom that it’s almost unrecognizable, but instead of having any normal response to his obvious loss of control, my thighs clench tightly and I have to breathe deeply to ward off the wave of heat that starts coiling tightly at the base of my spine.
I never thought I would be the type of girl to want to bump uglies during that time of the month, yet here I am, hornier than I’ve ever fucking been, with no way to relieve it just yet.
“I wasn’t going-”
“¡Mierda!” Nic practically spits the Spanish word for bullshit at Em, and I fan at my face dramatically. “Get the fuck out of here!”
I hear the sound of scraping against concrete and rustling of clothes right before sirens pick up nearby.
“Oh shit! Nobody turned off the alarm!” Kai exclaims, stating the obvious.
“Well shit…” I mumble as the police reach the house, the sounds of multiple car doors opening and closing reaching me before multiple auras fill the air. I laser in on one, a smile lighting up my features.
“Officer Ass! Thank God it’s you! How’s married life going? Still good, I hope!”
“Amazing actually! Thanks for asking!” He chuckles at my enthusiasm before his focus switches to the guys. “So what’s going on here?”
“Just a…miscommunication.” I grimace at whatever dramatic situation the guys are currently all frozen in.
“Uh huh.”
“Bass. Good to see you again. This man here, Emmerson something, just tried to attack Wicked.” Nic, the fucking tattletale, spouts off and I shoot a glare his way.
“It’s really not that big of a deal. The guys were here to handle it quickly. Just take him and drop him off at home, will you?” The guys groan and moan at my request, but I ignore them.
“Are you sure?” Bass’ focus switches from me, to the guys, and back again.
“Really. I’m sure. He didn’t even touch me.”
“Alright then. Why don’t you guys head inside and we’ll take it from here then. You look like you’re halfway to hypothermia.”
At his reminder, the cold resettles on my bare skin and I suddenly can’t stop the shivers or chattering of my teeth. I shoot him a lopsided grin in response. “Thanks, I think I’ll do that. Come on, boys, let’s go inside!” I let out a pitiful cold induced whistle, giggling as Kai complains about being summoned like dogs.
Gizmo and Snitch race ahead of me and head straight to their rooms, no doubt in search of some snacks after their little adventure. Poor overworked babies. I head straight back to my spot in the living room, where my wine is waiting patiently for my return. Thank God, because here come the cramps again. Groaning, I collapse into my snuggly pillow nest and burrow beneath my pile of soft, comforting blankets, only reaching one arm out to blindly grab for my glass and slip it into my cave with me.
What did women do to deserve this shit for their entire lives? I mean seriously, God could have given us spontaneous orgasms as we shed our uterine lining and shit, butnoooo. It just had to be terrible, debilitating pain and bleeding for days at a time. Is it because of Eve eating the forbidden fruit? Because, fuck, that was like, thousands of years ago! Be like Elsa, God, and let it go!
“Wicked…” Kai’s voice is cautious and soft as if trying not to startle me.
“What?!” I snarl before willing myself back into some semblance of control as I take a large gulp of my wine beneath the warm canopy of my period nest. “Sorry. What do you want? Can’t you see I’m busy here?”
“Uh, actually…this was all Nic’s idea. Bye!” His footsteps take off towards the rooms as I hear Nic grumbling about traitorous brother-husbands, then silence.
“Yes, Nic?” I moan around another wave of cramps, emptying my glass this time I drink from it. I try to reach my arm out to find the bottle, but I come up empty and retreat back to the warmth in frustration.
“Here.” He speaks softly, closer to me and I reach out again, the cool surface of my wine bottle pressing against my fingertips. I snatch it away quickly and pull it under the blankets.
“Thanks.” I mumble before shoving the glass outside of my cocoon and simply drinking straight from the bottle.
“I brought you a little something I thought might help.” He sounds so unlike himself, so…unsure, that I actually grow curious.
“You did? What is it?”
“The delivery guys dropped it off right before we came inside, I’m sure the situation outside just made their night.” He chuckles dryly before a weight settles on the couch next to my blanket burrito. “Can you come out now? I promise you’ll like it.”