Page 68 of No Rest For Wicked
I’m flying. I’m falling. I’m everything in between.
Their movements become jerky, their groans loud and addictive, as they follow me into release. Nic’s seed coats my channel, the heat of it only furthering my climax as I scream and jerk between them, swallowing around Ezra’s cock as we all fall apart together.
Then I’m crashing back to earth, my arms and legs buckling beneath me as I fall to the bed. Ezra, Nic, and Kai all find spots around me as they move in to touch wherever they can. We’re covered in sweat, breathing heavily, and I’m messy with the evidence of our tryst. But I don’t think I’ve ever been happier in my life.
“And…scene! That’s a wrap everybody. Great work.” I hold my palm in the air as if waiting for a high five. It takes a few beats before Kai reaches up and slaps my hand, to which we collapse into giggles. Well, at least Kai and I do.
Ezra manages a little half chuckle, but Nic just groans in exasperation. “Dios, dame fuerzas.” His annoyance just makes me laugh harder.
The word trickles in like a ghostly whisper into the cavern of my mind, bouncing around before digging in and taking root. It takes me by surprise that it doesn’t flood me with the anxiety it once would. In fact, it feels more perfect–moretrue–than I ever thought it would.
Yes…my family.
Iwake up stifling hot, sweat slicked bodies covering almost every inch of my skin. When I try to move, my hold slips off whoever’s body part happens to be lying across my chest and falls directly on my nose.
“Motherfucker!” I shout as the pain sets in, jarring me completely out of whatever post sleep haze I was in. “Wake up! Get up! The lot of you are going to suffocate me!”
A chorus of sleepy grumbles and groans reaches my ears, but no one actually moves to leave the damn bed or save me from my inevitable death. Having had enough, I start kicking and squirming, throwing my arms out and bucking my hips, a slew of curse words leaving my lips on grunts and shouts. My hand makes impact with something on the softer side and a pained bellow echoes through the room, finally forcing all three men to their feet and releasing me from captivity.
“That was my dick! Fuck!” Nic moans in pain as I scramble to my own feet.
“No. That was what you get! I was dying! You guys were going to kill me!”
“Oh, don’t be so dramatic, Wicked. That is what we call cuddling. I know you’re not very familiar with the concept, but you should probably try and get used to it.” Kai laughs as he grabs me by the hips and pulls me firmly to his chest. I wack him, reaching out to try and make my way to my closet, but I’m intercepted once more.
“That wasnotcuddling! That was a hostile takeover! I’m like a planet the size of Pluto and y’all are the Goddamn Galactic Empire. You were going to snuff me out!” I try to push past the large body standing between me and my clothes, but when I realize it’s Ezra I stop and wait. He makes quick work of gently shoving an oversized t-shirt over my head, covering my nudity, before leading me directly across the hall to the bathroom.
He knew just what I needed.
Fucking swoon.
I quickly do my business, thanking God that they managed to put the toilet seat back down this time, and head to the kitchen. Ezra stands somewhere by the stove while Nic and Kai are seated at the island nursing cups of coffee. I quickly join them, smiling when Gizmo and Snitch bound their way across the countertop and attack me with morning snuggles.
“Good morning, boys! You guys are chipper today!” I press a kiss to each of their heads and they scamper off, going back to whatever they were doing. “So…”
The kitchen goes quiet and a wicked grin lights up my features as pulses of caution reach me.
“What did we do this time?” Kai, resigned to his fate, groans from my right. I place my hands on the cool granite surface in front of me, idly feeling over the small ridges and bumps as I make them squirm without saying anything.
“Actually…nothing. It surprised me too!” He sighs out in relief and I place my hand on his thigh, the warmth of his skin obliterating the leftover coolness from the counter. I let my hand wander when I realize he’s still in his underwear and nothing else.
“Damn, girl. Did we not wear you out enough last night?” He coughs as I wander past his dick.
“Well, there is a reason there are three of you and one of me. I’m a thirsty girl.” I practically purr as I lean into him, and he delivers a delightfully sinful kiss to my lips that leaves me panting when it’s over.
“As you were saying?” Nic intrudes and it takes me a moment to come back to the present and remember the reason I spoke up in the first place.
“Right!” I clear my throat, leaning away from the distracting prankster and groaning out a thanks when Ezra places a cup of sugar flavored coffee in my hands with a quick kiss to my temple. “So, we need to start thinking about next steps. Just because Alan is the prime suspect, doesn’t mean he’s theonlysuspect.”
“Who else is there that isn’t already dead?” Nic deadpans and I shake my head past the sadness that fills me at the reminder of all the lives lost.
I start counting on my fingers as I speak. “Alan.”
“Duh.” I slap Kai as he interrupts.