Page 77 of No Rest For Wicked
A chorus ofyes sirsaccompanies his threat, but every single one is given with nothing but complete seriousness.
“Why don’t you guys head on home. Maybe we can do dinner?” Alan directs that last question to me with more than a bit of hope brimming in his voice and aura.
“I’d like that. I’ll order your favorites. Let’s say five o’clock.” I grin at him as I stand, holding out a hand for Kai to grab. “Oh. And don’t be too hard on Bass. He was only being a good friend to me. He’s definitely wasted as a beat cop, in my humble opinion.”
“I’ll see you at five and I’ll keep that in mind.” I nod and start heading to the door, Gizmo and Snitch racing around my feet, when he speaks again. “Wicked?”
I stop and turn my head towards him.
“What exactly were you doing here today?”
“Ah. That. I imagine Bass will tell you. Have him call me when he’s got the answers I’m looking for. I’ll see you tonight. We can catch up fully then.”
“I look forward to it, Izzy.”
“Me too, Kitten. Me too.”
And as I walk out of his office and the precinct altogether, I can’t help but feel so much lighter than I have in ages. A weight has been lifted and I can finally breathe again.
But that does beg the question…
If Alan isn’t the stalker, then who is?
Icontinue updating Nana on the Alan situation and everything else as she lays in bed silently. Her frail form is covered in a soft blanket that Kai brought for her to stave off the chills she has been plagued with. I hold her hand in mine, trying to ignore the fact that she has been mostly unresponsive the entire time.
Every once in a while she snaps back to lucidity and responds to what I’m saying, but most of the time she’s in and out, forgetting where she is or who she’s talking to. But still, I press on.
The care center called us shortly after we left the department to update me on her health and we turned around and headed here instead of going straight home. We have quite a few hours still until Alan is supposed to meet us for dinner. I’m glad we came, if for no other reason than just to visit her. She doesn’t call me as often anymore, and I know it has to do with her lucid moments becoming few and far between.
When I’m finished, there’s nothing but the soft wheezes of her breaths as she lays so still that it sends me into a panic. The guys are all in the room with us, sitting silently in support. A tear rolls down my cheek, knowing deep down that Nana has probably gone bowling for the last time. There will be no more excursions outside of this place, she’s progressed too far.
“Bell.” Her voice is weak, but the clarity is back.
“Yes, Nana?”
“Have you admitted you love them yet?” A dry chuckle leaves me as I feel for the auras of all my guys, wiping my face with my free hand.
“Yes, I have.”
“Good.” She breathes deeply, the air rattling in her chest, before speaking once more. “I take it they opened up and let you see their baggage then.”
“They sure did. And you were right, a lot of it is worse than mine.”
“Did y-” She cuts off, letting out a weak cough that seems to do nothing to clear the obstruction in her lungs. She still manages to speak again. “Did you tell them?”
I’m about to ask what she means when her aura answers for me, a flash of when she found out about it projecting to me. My stomach twists and threatens to send its contents up the wrong end. “No. I haven’t.”
“They need to know. They need to understand.”
“But…what if- What if it changes things?”
“It won’t.”
“You don’t know that.”
“I know everything, child.” When I hesitate, she manages to tighten her grip on my hand, bolstering my strength with her own. “Go on. It’s nothing I haven't heard or seen before. Plus, I want to be here to tell you I told you so.”