Page 21 of Answering Atlas
“She might be tough on the outside, but that’s only because she’s protecting herself. She has a heart of gold, and I know you’re interested. So I’m just saying, if you don’t have good intentions, leave her alone.”
“There is nothing for you to worry about, Cara,” I say, brow furrowing. “I’m not her type. She only dates guys in suits, right? So this is a nonissue,” I add.
I don’t miss the amusement in her gaze. “I see. Well, yes then, exactly. This is definitely a nonissue.”
I’m not her type. In fact I’m everything she’s trying to avoid, but I know that she’s curious.
And if I’m here right now, fuck, I must be curious, too.
But it would be smart if I just stopped being such a dick and let us just be friends, and unlike most men, I honestly do mean that. Our MCs are tied, and I am a man who can be genuine friends with women. Just ask the one standing next to me right now.
Decker comes up to us with a beer for me and a glass of wine for Cara. “You know we could have just driven Natty home, right?”
Cara gently hits him on his arm and clears her throat. “Yes, but now she doesn’t have to get her car in the middle of the night. Come on, let’s go steal Fire from Clover.”
I try to hide my smile and she drags Decker away, allowing me to return to my people watching. After a sip of beer, Rhett finds me and pulls out a chair next to me. “How’s everything going?” I ask him.
He glances out at the pool. “It’s going well. They always told me about the stress and pressure that comes with being Prez, but I never knew exactly what they meant until I took over.”
“I can only imagine, but they chose you for a reason.” I’m sure the Marko thing isn’t helping, either. There would be a lot of pressure on Rhett to make sure he is dealt with, and until then we all need to be on guard. “And we are here for you if you need something.”
“I know.” He nods. “And I appreciate that. I think with all the OG members heading toward retirement, I just need to accept that the Wind Dragons are going to change and evolve. It’s not the MC that it was, but that doesn’t mean I can’t make it something good.”
I couldn’t imagine the Knights without our original, older members, so I know exactly what he means. I try to read between the lines of what he’s saying. “You trust all your newer members?”
He doesn’t respond right away. “Yes,” he replies, then whispers, “At least I think so.”
When the old members, the heart of the Wind Dragons, step away and the new generation have to become the backbone of the MC, people will start to show their true colors. It’s a hard place to be in, because as an MC we can’t show any weakness. Someone is always lurking, looking to take advantage of that.
“That’s the hard part. With me taking over, the OG members will step back, and that will leave me with all the newer men. I don’t know these men like I do the older ones.” He takes a deep breath. “I don’t know what the fuck I’m doing.”
“Like I said, I’m here for you,” I tell him quietly.
“You want to jump ship and join the Wind Dragons?” he asks, half joking, half serious. “I see you’ve taken a shine to one of our women, so it would make sense.”
Grinning, I ignore that comment about Natalie. “I’m here for you as a Knight and as a friend. I’m loyal to my club, and I always will be.”
“Correct answer,” he replies on a sigh, eyes going to Natalie. “She’s a total pain in the ass—you know that, right? She’s like my little sister.”
“Cara already threatened me, don’t worry. And like I told her, you all have nothing to worry about. I’m not her type.”
He barks out a laugh. “Of course she did. And Natty has no fucking idea what her type is. Anyone with eyes can see you both like each other. And I know I’m supposed to threaten to kick your ass, too, but I like you. You’re a good man.”
“So I’ve got your approval. Now all I need is hers, a suit and a couple of fancy degrees up my belt. You think Wall Street will hire me?” I tease, lightening the situation.
He laughs harder. “You’ve got your work cut out for you. I’m cheering for you, though.”
“Thanks, man.”
She looks over, and our eyes catch and hold. I’ve noticed her checking in on me, making sure I’m okay, maybe, or just being nosy and wanting to see what I’m doing. I guess she brought me here, so she might feel responsible for me. I don’t know, but either way, I like it, and it also makes me feel like shit that I’ve been so hard on her.
It’s not her fault that she has bad taste and a warped perception of the world.
“CJ called me today,” I say, changing the subject. “He’s on edge. Marko could be anywhere, and he knows we will be gunning for him. That and he doesn’t even know who he can trust right now.”
I don’t want anything to happen to my stepbrother, and I didn’t like hearing him so paranoid. I promised him that whatever I can do, I will. He even told me if I handle Marko he will call it even for Eliza, something I’ve never heard him say before.