Page 38 of Answering Atlas
“I don’t mind messy,” he says, digging in. He moans at his first mouthful, swallowing and moaning again. “Okay, thatisspicy, but seriously good.”
“I told you.”
We eat, and we laugh, and I’m surprised by how comfortable he makes me feel.
“Can I ask you something?” he says before he licks his fingers clean.
I nod as I wipe my mouth with a napkin.
“Why don’t you tell anyone that you don’t like being called Natty?”
I’m speechless. How does he know that? I’ve never told anyone that, hence why everyone in my life, except the people I work with, call me Natty.
“Why do you think that’s true?”
He shrugs. “You introduce yourself to people as Natalie, which usually means that is the name you’d like to be called.”
What an observant, infuriating man. I might as well tell him the truth.
I sigh. “Everyone has called me Natty since I was a baby. No one ever asked me if I liked being called it. It makes me sound like a child. So I figured I could control what new people I meet call me.” I shrug.
“You know you can tell people you don’t like being called it. I’m sure they’ll stop.”
I shake my head. “Nah, it is what it is. I don’t mind.” He looks at me skeptically but drops the subject.
We continue to eat in comfortable silence, exchanging barbs every now and then. I like it. I don’t feel the need to fill the silence. I’m usually a pretty uptight person, but around him all of that melts away. I don’t know what it is, or how he does it, but it’s freeing.
He pays the bill, and seems offended when I offer to split the check. I’m not surprised, though. That’s just how biker men are.
After dinner he takes me out for dessert, and we share a chocolate brownie with vanilla ice cream and honeycomb. “I’m going to need to run an extra hour tomorrow,” I comment, rubbing my full stomach.
“You and me both,” he replies, licking the spoon. “Do you want to go walk off the food after this? We could go take a walk on the beach before I drop you home?”
“That sounds perfect.”
I don’t want this date to come to an end just yet, and it seems like he might be feeling the same way. I would actually like to have a round two of our hot car make out, but Atlas seems determined to do things the “right” way, meaning going slow. I’d respect it if I weren’t so damn horny.
We drive to the beach and take off our shoes to walk along in the sand, the moonlight guiding the way.
“You and Aries are really close, aren’t you?” I ask.
“We are. He’s...a part of me.”
“I’ve been wondering something, and apparently I haven’t been alone in wondering this...”
“Go on,” he encourages, sounding like he’s trying to hold back laughter.
“Have you guys shared women in the past? Since you seem to share everything else...”
“How did I know you were going to ask that?” he responds, letting his laughter through. “Why do you want to know? Are you interested in—”
“No, I’m not interested in sleeping with your brother, too,” I reply in a dry tone. “I’m just nosy is all.”
“Too? So you do want to sleep with me again—”
I cut him off with, “Of course that’s the only part you heard.”
He stops our walk and we face each other. He cups my chin and lifts my face up to him. “I wouldn’t share you with anyone, not even my brother.”