Page 58 of Answering Atlas
“I’m going to kill him,” he grits through clenched teeth.
“No, Atlas. Promise me you will not touch him.”
“Natalie, you can’t ask me to sit by and let that punk—”
I kiss him. “Yes I can. This is a battle I need to fight on my own. I promise I will let you know if I need protecting.”
He sighs but hugs me closer. “I’m glad you told your boss, and that you don’t have to work with that asshole anymore.”
“Me, too.”
“You are strong,” he whispers, kissing the top of my head. “If you ever see him again you call me straight away, okay?”
“Okay,” I promise. “And thanks again for the beautiful flowers you sent. I love them.”
We fall asleep cuddling each other, and it’s so nice to have someone there to be supportive.
I could get used to this.
Chapter Twenty
I’m sitting in my office doing some paperwork when Con comes in and sits down opposite me.
“What’s up?” I ask, lifting my gaze.
“I went over to Cara’s last night.”
“And she mentioned that she asked Natty if you two were official. Natty had said you both hadn’t spoken about it,” she says, resting her elbows on my desk with a grin. “You haven’t made it official yet?”
I put down the folder I’ve been holding in my hands. “I thought that was obvious.”
In my head we’ve been official since I first laid eyes on her. Is that a talk that we need to have? I’ve just assumed she was mine since the beginning, but I can see how we probably should have had a verbal discussion about it. Women think differently than men.
“Women need to hear the words,” Con says, confirming my thoughts. “Plus, she’s only been in casual-type relationships, so if I were you I would make sure she knows this isn’t one of them.”
“Thanks for the heads-up,” I tell her. “You decide when you’re moving in with Rhett?”
“Sooner than I said I would,” she replies, nodding. “You were right, I should be with him. I don’t want to stress him out, and I am getting tired working every day, if I’m being honest. Growing a baby is tiring.”
“So you’re leaving us? Heading north to the Wind Dragons clubhouse?”
She makes a face. “I guess.”
“Don’t sound too happy about it.”
“No, it’s not that. It’s just... The clubhouse is just...boring?”
“What do you mean?”
“You know. It’s quiet and the guys aren’t the friendliest. Rhett keeps talking about how great the clubhouse was years ago, but I hate to tell him it’s nothing like that now.”
It’s what I picked up on when I was last there, too. Interesting.
“It’s fine. I’m probably just paranoid and nervous. Any news on Marko?”