Page 88 of Answering Atlas
“I’ve already forgiven you, Natalie. I did the minute you ran into my arms,” he says, kissing my forehead sweetly. “I just want you to promise me that you will never do anything like that behind my back again. Like we said, trust is big, and I need to trust you. Everyone knew that I didn’t know—do you know how shitty that feels? I don’t want to feel this way ever again.”
“I promise,” I say instantly. “I never want you to feel like that. I thought I was helping, and protecting everyone...”
“I know you did,” he replies, leaning forward to kiss me. “But that’s not your job. It’s mine.”
He puts his finger on my lips. “I know how strong you are. How amazing, how brave. And yes, gender equality and all of that, but... You aren’t in the MC. You are a lawyer, and you are my woman. I would never ever ask you to protect anyone at the expense of yourself. It’s my job to protect you.”
I kiss his finger, and he smiles and moves it away.
“I’m just thankful it’s all over, and we are all safe. I love you, Natalie.”
“I love you, too,” I reply, jumping on him, straddling him and kissing him. “Now time for the makeup sex.”
He laughs, and lifts up my nightie.
And I’m so fucking grateful that we are both here.
And in love.
Chapter Thirty-Three
Things slowly get back to normal after that. At least as normal as it can be without Aries here. Sledge is stripped of his cut and kicked out of the Wind Dragons MC. The only explanation he gave was that he didn’t like how the Wind Dragons and the Knights were mingling. So he figured if he got rid of the Knights, the Wind Dragons could be on their own. We figure there was more to it and he was being bribed in some way, but he won’t admit to that.
Rhett hasn’t been the same since the day Marko died. I think he is questioning everything, and I know that what I said to him in anger on that day must have something to do with that.
He comes to the garage and sits down in my office.
“How is everything going?” I ask, giving him a once-over. “Because you look like shit.”
He runs a hand through his scruffy blond hair. “I’m stressed. Sledge is gone, no one trusts anyone, the OG Wind Dragons are questioning every single decision I make and are fucking pissed that I let Cara and Natty put themselves in danger. I don’t know what to do. I’m glad Marko is in the ground where he belongs, but he left behind him a whole pile of shit.”
“My offer stands. I talked to Temper and he agrees. Leave the Wind Dragons to the OGs and join the Knights. You can be president of your own chapter and start fresh,” I suggest, studying him. “You don’t look happy, man. Some things aren’t what you expect them to be. You don’t have to feel guilty for that. It is what it is. Con can stay here and keep her job for whenever she decides she wants to work again, and she can still be with her sister. You can let go of the expectations that are heavy on your shoulders and just enjoy life again.”
He rubs the back of his neck and sighs. “Honestly? I’ve been thinking about it. I’m about to have a baby, and you’re right, I know that Con would want to stay here. How do you walk away from something you’ve been planning for your whole life, though? I know that the Wind Dragons would understand—they still have all their OG members there, and they can live a happy life enjoying the rest of their days there. But the new generation is not working out. Sledge has ruined the morale there, that’s for sure. Even more so than it was. Rake wants to murder me again. And I’m having a quarter-life crisis.”
“You think about it, and let us know what you decide.”
“I should have stopped Natty and Cara. I’m sorry, Atlas. I messed up by letting Natty convince me it was a good idea,” he replies, offering me his hand.
I take it, and he shakes it, and lets it go. “Although it did work out in the end.”
“It did,” I agree. “Which is lucky for everyone involved.”
Rhett grins, looking more like his old self. “If I move down here, Natty, Cara and Clover can babysit, and my baby would get to grow up with Fire. Which is what we always spoke about when we were growing up.”
“Bet you didn’t talk about having said child with Cara’s half sister, though,” I add, unable to help myself.
His lips tighten. “You’re a real asshole, you know that?”
“So no more Sledge? I hope I never see his face again.”
He nods. “Fox is now leading the FC, and all the Marko supporters are in the wind. We are really fucking lucky how things worked out. If he had lived, this whole thing would have gone on for fucking ever.”
I just wish we hadn’t lost CJ and Aries along the way.