Page 61 of Recipe for Disaster
She gaped at him for a moment before indignation took over. Was she to be further humiliated by breaking down in front of him?
“Is there something else you needed, Agent Keller?” she choked out. “Or something else youdidn’twant to say?”
“Don’t what?” she cried. “Don’t be frightened to death that a crazy man is trying to kill me? Don’t be anxious because I’m trapped somewhere and can’t even talk to my family? Don’t be heartsick because the idiot I thought I felt something for is really a freaking robot!”
An instant later she was on her back on the king-sized bed, Griffin on top of her. She struggled to push him off, but he grabbed her wrists with one hand while the other hand gripped her chin. A tear leaked out of Marin’s eye making her even angrier. She bucked against him.
“Damn it, Marin, settle down.”
He bent his face to hers so his lips could catch the tears falling down her face. The air in the room seemed to still at the sheer intimacy of his gesture.
“I’m not a robot,” he said, his breath caressing the sensitive skin beneath her ear. “If I was, I could have walked out of this place without doing this.”
He took her mouth in a hot, demanding kiss that had her heart breaking even more. She wanted to resist him, but her body wouldn’t.Couldn’t.So she kissed him back with the same fervent desperation. Their tongues dueled and their teeth collided as they breathed the other one in. When Griffin released her wrists so his hand could join the one caressing her face, she reached beneath his T-shirt to skim her fingers along his warm skin. A groan escaped the back of his throat at the contact.
Marin gulped back a sob when his lips broke free to graze down her neck.
“The last thing I want to do is leave you here, Marin,” he whispered hoarsely. “But this is who I am. This is what I do. I’m not good at compartmentalizing. I never have been.” He took her earlobe between his teeth before soothing it with his tongue. “It’s all or nothing with me. And I have to be all work. I wish I could be the man you want, Marin. But I have to find this son of a bitch and make him pay for what he’s doing to you. I need you to understand this.”
Her heart shredded a little more at his honest confession. The pathetic part was, she did understand. Griffin was hardwired to spend his life protecting people. And he was good at it, if the men and women who worked with him were to be believed. What she didn’t understand was why he couldn’t acknowledge the “something” between them; something that she had was starting to feel a lot like love on her part. Why couldn’t there be both in his life? She’d have to debate that subject at another time, however. That battle wouldn’t be won tonight.
She shoved at his chest and Griffin pushed up on his elbows, his face hovering inches above hers. Those ocean eyes of his were turbulent and wary. Marin traced a finger along the perfect outline of his jaw.
“I do understand.” She hesitated so she could pull together the words that needed to be said. The ones that would let him do his duty without worry. “You’ve been tracking this gang of thieves down for years. You need to go and find this guy. Last night—last night was about two people finding comfort together. That’s all. I’m a big girl.” She kissed the corner of his mouth. “Thank you for being there for me.”
Relief washed over his face. “I want you to be able to have your life back,” he said.
Too bad he didn’t want to be in it.
His tongue slid past her lips and he was kissing her again. This time, he kissed her like he had all the time in the world; savoring her mouth as though he was storing it up as a memory. Tears pressed the back of her eyes once more. She was grateful when Adam’s voice called out Griffin’s name.
She averted her face so he wouldn’t see the tears rimming her eyes. Griffin slowly got to his feet. Marin heard him walk to the door. She heard him pause briefly before opening it.
“I’m gonna get your life back for you,” he said softly.
Marin nodded her head so he’d know she was listening while silently praying for him to leave before the full waterworks started. When she heard the door click, she buried her face in a pillow and sobbed for what might have been.
Marin woke to find Otto poised at the side of the big bed, his chin resting on the mattress; the sound of his tail swishing on the hardwood floor serenaded her. She reached over and gave his head a pat.
“At least one male in my life is loyal.” She climbed out of the bed and stretched in the afternoon sunshine. Things always looked a little better after a warm bath and a nap. Marin pulled on a pair of jeans and a bubble gum-colored scoop-neck top that was much clingier than she preferred. But when she looked into the mirror, she liked what she saw.
She slipped on the pink espadrilles that went with the top. “Chin up, Otto. What do you say we go find the kitchen and make ourselves useful?”
The dog danced happily around Marin as she made her way downstairs. The large kitchen was a cook’s dream with state-of-the-art appliances and plenty of counter space to work. The fridge and cabinets were stocked with enough ingredients to prepare a small state dinner. It was obvious the agents watching over her were hopeful Marin would continue to keep them well fed. She was happy to oblige them. It helped break up the futility of her situation.
“I’m feeling lemon bars.” She picked up a fresh lemon from the fruit bowl and tossed it between her hands. “How about you, Otto?”
The dog barked his agreement before settling down in front of the back door. Marin lost herself in the act of baking. An hour later, the aroma of lemons and powdered sugar filled the room. Agent Groesch and her partner entered the kitchen just as Marin was slicing into the gooey treat.
“This protective detail is hazardous to my hips,” Agent Groesch complained. She helped herself to a lemon bar anyhow.
“Are you kidding? This is one of the best perks of the job,” the other agent said. “I wouldn’t mind if this assignment lasted several weeks.”
Marin felt faint at the thought.