Page 86 of Recipe for Disaster
“Not my finest moment,” he replied. “Sometimes love makes you do stupid things.”
Marin thought of the embarrassing declaration of love she’d made earlier. Her stomach dropped as she tried not to cringe. “Yeah, I guess it does.”
“Fortunately, Walter is not as impetuous as I am. I won’t leave you stranded again, Boss.”
“I’m eager to meet this paragon.”
“Coffee tomorrow?” Diego asked.
“It’s a date.”
The First Lady entered the bedroom carrying a tray with some sandwiches and fruit. Marin followed Diego as he stood up from the sofa.
“Lillie made you cucumber sandwiches,” he said. “I know how much you like them.”
She kissed him on the cheek. “Please tell everyone downstairs I said thank you.”
“See you in the morning,” Diego said. He nodded to Aunt Harriet. “Good night, ma’am.”
“Shower first and then eat,” Aunt Harriet instructed after the bedroom door closed. “You’ll feel more like yourself once you get into something clean. The agents brought over the clothes from the safe house.” Her aunt kissed her on the forehead. “Just let one of the agents on duty know if you need me. Anytime, ya hear?”
Marin nodded dutifully as her aunt left the room.
She kicked off her shoes and carefully removed her clothes, trying not to jar her battered body too much. Her aunt was right, a hot shower would feel good. She headed for the bathroom.
* * *
Griffin leaned a shoulder against the arched corridor just outside the Queen’s bedroom. One of the agents on the First Lady’s detail stood beside the door waiting patiently for her to come out. Griffin was having a hard time remaining as patient.
The door finally opened and the First Lady exited. She stopped abruptly when she spied Griffin, still dressed in his battle dress uniform, hanging out in an area of the White House where he shouldn’t be late at night. Her face was hard to read when she closed the distance between them.
“It seems we owe you another debt of gratitude, Agent Keller,” she stated, quietly. “Her grandfather will likely give you a hotel, if you want it.”
“I’m happy with my current position, thank you.”
“That’s a shame. That job is likely a lot safer.” The First Lady glanced back at the closed door. “She needs a shower and sleep. Looking at you, I’d prescribe the same remedy.”
“Not until I know she’s okay.”
She let out a resigned sigh. “Not all of her wounds are visible, Agent Keller. Please be careful with her heart.”
He didn’t bother telling Marin’s godmother that he wasn’t quite sure what to do with her heart now that she’d given it to him. Griffin was using his figure-it-out-as-I-go-along strategy to deal with that dilemma. The First Lady moved past him through the archway, her agent trailing discreetly behind her. Griffin waited for their footsteps to fade before crossing the hall and entering the Queen’s bedroom.
The shower was running and steam wafted out the bathroom door. Griffin should be a gentleman and sit and wait for her to finish. But his feet were moving independently of his brain. He hesitated at the threshold to the bathroom, trying to figure out a way to announce his presence without terrifying an already shaky Marin.
He needn’t have bothered. She carefully peeked around the shower curtain, almost as though she had sensed his arrival. Her cheeks were rosy from the warm water and her eyes radiated pleasure when they landed on him.
“As usual, Special Agent Keller, you’re overdressed,” she said before disappearing back behind the curtain.
Not needing to be told twice, Griffin stripped out of his uniform, furiously yanking at the laces of his boots in order to pull them off. A moment later, he stalked across the room and joined Marin in the shower. The vision of her wet, naked body stole his breath while making him painfully hard at the same time. She was everything he dreamed about. He wrapped his arms around her.
“Marin,” he murmured against her wet hair.
His hands roamed her slick body, tracing her luscious curves. She pulled his head down for a lusty, demanding kiss, only to have to break away seconds later. Her fingers went to her bruised lip.
Griffin swore. “If I never see that woman again, it will be too soon.”
“Shhh,” she commanded. “Turn around.”