Page 43 of A Calder at Heart
Only as he spoke did Kristin realize thatthosewere the words she’d wanted to hear. A wild recklessness surged in her—and with it a hunger that could only be satisfied one way.
As he reached for her arm, she caught the back of his neck with her hand. Pulling him down to her, she pressed her mouth against his in a desperate kiss.
For an instant, he went rigid. Then his arms went around her, crushing her close against his hard-muscled body. Desire raced through her veins like fire through parched grass. She’d been drawn to Logan from the first moment they met, but only after he confessed his jealousy did she realize how much she needed him—and wanted him.
His kisses tasted of the fresh water he’d been drinking. She softened her mouth to the passion in them, the thrust of his tongue, the quickening of his breath. Where her hips molded to his, she felt his arousal jutting against the fastenings of his jeans. A moan rose in his throat as she moved against him, touching off shimmers of unspeakable pleasure.
She freed her mouth from his long enough to whisper, “Please, Logan, right now I need . . .”
“Need what?”
“I need you to do what you said . . . lose control and do something you shouldn’t . . .”
“I can manage that.” With a mutter, he scooped her up in his arms, carried her into the bedroom, and flung her onto the bed. Undressing was out of the question—the hour was late and the need too urgent.
As he leaned over her in the darkness, her fingers fumbled with his belt buckle. He helped her, shoving down his jeans before he reached through the tangle of her skirt, petticoat, and drawers to find her waiting for him, wet and open. She bucked against his hand, her breath coming in eager gasps. “Now,” she whispered. “Hurry.”
He moved between her legs and entered her in one long push. Big and hard and powerful, he filled the emptiness inside her, the length of him pushing deep. She thrust her hips to meet each driving stroke, flesh against flesh, sending bursts of sensation through her body. She came once, then again, her legs pulling him deeper as he drove toward his own climax. He gasped, shuddered, and lay still.
Spent, they sprawled on the bed, side by side. Tenderness lingered like an aura between them. But Kristin knew that it couldn’t last.
“Will you be all right?” he asked her.
She knew what he meant. “Yes, I’m quite sure of it.”
She could hear him breathing in the darkness, probably wondering what to say next. Maybe she’d shocked him. Most so-called ladies were more restrained.
“We shouldn’t do this again,” he said. “Not at least while things are unsettled between you and Webb.”
“This isn’t about Webb,” she said. “And just in case you’re wondering, no, I haven’t done this with him, and I don’t plan to.”
He drew a deep breath. “If you had, it wouldn’t be any of my business. I don’t intend to tell him, or anybody else about tonight. But I’m a bit old-fashioned when it comes to some things, Kristin. I believe in playing for keeps. And I’ll be damned if I’m willing to share you with another man. If I see you back here—ever—I want it to be because you’re ready to be my woman.
“If you make a different choice, I’ll understand. Webb can offer you anything you and your future children might need. Right now, all I can offer you is a dream of what this ranch can become. If you don’t come back, as far as I’m concerned, tonight never happened.”
His words hurt—but they were wise, tough, and fair. Tonight had been like a sky full of fireworks, but it had happened too fast. They needed time apart to come to terms with what was between them.
“Understood.” She sat up and began rearranging her clothes. “It’s time I was getting home. I don’t like staying away too long. You never know when some emergency will show up at my door.” She was babbling, making excuses to fill the awkward silence.
“I can saddle up and ride alongside you. You never know what could be out there in the dark.”
She shook her head. “I’ll be fine. The moon’s up, and I’ve got a rifle in the wagon. Believe me, I know how to use it.”
“Fine, but I’ll walk you to your buggy.” He was ready by the time she stood and pulled her skirt down. Taking the arm he offered, she let him lead her outside to where her horse waited by the windmill tower.
As he helped her into the chaise, she battled the urge to fling herself into his arms for a passionate farewell. That would only make things harder.
“Be careful, and don’t forget me, Dr. Kristin Dollarhide.” He smiled up at her in the darkness.
“Not much chance of that.” Tearing her gaze away from him, she forced herself to give the horse a light slap of the reins. The moon lit the way as the chaise rolled out of the yard and over the open prairie toward the road home.
AFEW DAYS LATER, LOGAN LOOKED UP FROM FILLING THE CATTLEtank to see a rider approaching from the direction of the Triple C. Even through the blur of distance, dust, and summer heat waves, there was no mistaking the erect figure of Webb Calder.
Logan finished filling the tank, then strode to meet his visitor at the house. Webb hadn’t been here since the day Logan had purchased the ranch and made it clear that he would run the place his own way. Tension had escalated between them when Logan had negotiated the road access with Blake Dollarhide and hired Lars to build his barn. Maybe Webb had decided it was time to make peace.
Or maybe Kristin had confessed her late-night visit.