Page 2 of Deadly Intentions
“Don’t fucking play with me. I know you, and your elders. You’re going to go into the hotel and—”
“Did you do this?” I had to ask, abandoning my common sense on the ground with my slain friend.
“No.” he answered emphatically. “It doesn’t matter who did, either. You’re going to go to your room and forget seeing me or her. In the morning, you will call the authorities and report her missing. You’ll then board the next plane back to Napoli, and never speak of this night again.”
“I will do no such thing,” I retorted as I tried to free myself from his grasp. I had to have a death wish after all because I was speaking to the son of one of Italy’s most feared and dangerous families, and defying him openly.
“You will or else,” he warned menacingly.
His words were as cold as the glare in his unique eyes. I squared my shoulders and tried my best to give him a look of my own. “Or else, what?”
“You’ll be killed in a much worse way than your friend. In fact, no one will ever find the pieces of you by the time they’re done with you.”
I gasped, and my body started to tremble violently. The very type of people that she idolized were the ones responsible for her demise and might end up being the same for me.
“You’re going to do what I tell you and live, or...” He stopped to look down at his watch. He then turned to look over his shoulder. “They’re coming. You need to get out of here and heed my warning before it’s too late.”
I rubbed my hands over my throbbing temple. I had been staring at numbers for more than two hours and I was honestly about to blow a fucking blood vessel if I stayed in this room any longer. The techno beat of the music outside of the door raised and lowered depending on the song, and it made me wish I was out there even more. I had work to handle, however, so until it was done, I was stuck inside of my father’s office. Stefano Vaccaro owned a number of businesses including a night club here in Napoli known for two things. Sex and drugs. Often times, the guests came for both.
I could use a half-hour with one of the women that flocked to this place. Prostitution wasn’t frowned upon in these parts like it was in other corners of the world, and the whores kept on the premises had one job and that was see to the needs of the family, no matter how depraved they might be. I knew most by name because they were kept alive as long as they did what was asked of them. As soon as one betrayed the family as my father often put it, they would be sold off and trafficked out of the country.
Going back to the migraine I was nursing, I tried to close my eyes, hoping it would alleviate any of the pounding in my skull. That was for naught, so I returned my attention to the bank accounts dancing in my line of vision. Leonardo Di Salva was the one responsible for making sure our laundered funds ended up in those banks in other parts of the world. My father trusted the man, but I did not. Mistakes had been made lately, and although they were so minuscule that even Stefan hadn’t gotten wind of them, I couldn’t allow them to continue. It was the reason I was now going through every last digit myself and paying for that initiative tenfold.
“Maybe I just need a distraction,” I said aloud.
A half-hour with one of those call girls was what I needed. I tended to want to fuck other women that could do something for me, but having lost my virginity almost two decades ago to a long time squillo, I still didn’t mind letting one suck me off when the mood struck.
A hard cock was a normal state for me, and deciding that maybe stuffing one of their mouths with mine would drown out the noise in my head, I picked up my phone. I only needed to send a few words in a text message. I stood up after hitting send and undid the button to my jeans. I lowered my zipper and had pulled my dick out just as a knock sounded at the door. I knew who it was, and she came quickly.
As expected, Ruth entered on command and locked the door behind her. I didn’t mind public spectacles, even harboring a bit of an exhibitionist side to me, but since I wasn’t out on the main floor but rather in my father’s office, I opted for privacy. As she moved closer, I hit the save button on my laptop, then moved the screen out of her line of sight. She stopped in front of me, and no words needed to be exchanged as I pushed down on the top of her head. She dropped to her knees, and seconds later, her small hands and hot mouth were working in perfect tandem.
I stood there with my legs somewhat spread, and I dropped my head back when her teeth grazed a sensitive spot. She was so damn efficient, her ministrations aimed at my pleasure alone. She didn’t even give a single indication of any discomfort at being on her knees on the concrete floor, and I wouldn’t have given a fuck if she had, anyway. I weaved my hands through her long hair and tangled my fingers up in it, allowing me to immobilize her, and once I did, I began to thrust into her mouth.
“Cazzo!” This had been a good idea at the moment because the rush of blood from my skull to my cock had all of the earlier thoughts fading away. Ruth had quite a mouth on her, and it was one that I had made use of often over the last several years.
She’d come to Italy from Brooklyn a half decade ago, and it’d probably been that long since I’d been to New York City myself. Back when I was twenty, a woman had been killed and it nearly destroyed my entire family. What my father hadn’t realized when he’d gutted the girl was that she was the daughter of someone so powerful and influential back home in Napoli that her murder had done more harm than good. My own family was also as strong, but ours wasn’t on the right side of the law as hers had been.
New rules were enacted practically overnight, even though I had retrieved the corpse and made sure to make it look like some random homicide on the New York City streets. It hadn’t mattered to Giorgio Rossi. He’d intended to make any, and everyone, pay for the loss of his only daughter. The mayor was on a warpath and a decade later, not much had changed. If he had his way though, women like Ruth and what she did, would also become illegal, threatening something I never took lightly.
Sex. I lived and breathed for the rush of the thrill and the orgasm that often accompanied it. I’d fucked more women than I could count, and outside of my desire for power, it was a badge of honor. These prostitutes weren’t harming anyone but themselves. They were offered protection by the family as long as they did what was asked of them, and I’d be damned if I let some grief stricken mayor take this away from me. And it wasn’t that I was law abiding, because once this squillo brought me to an orgasm, I intended to get back to the numbers and if they didn’t match up down to the last euro cent coin, Leonardo would become fish food in the Gulf of Naples.
“Cazzo,” I cursed again as I loosened the grip I had on Ruth’s head, and allowed her to work my cock further.
My head still hung back, but I was losing my ability to focus on how good her tight mouth felt as she sucked me deep in her throat. When she’d swallow, I would let out a low growl, but even that didn’t seem to help. I was too fucking wired right now to even bust a damn nut. Finally, I stepped back and became regretful for the loss of warmth she provided.
“You can leave,” I instructed, and while she was confused, she didn’t allow it to affect her. Wisely choosing not to question me, or worse, she rose to her feet and scurried out the door once she unlocked it.
I could see the bottom of her ass from underneath her short skirt. Even the sight of it did nothing for me other than make my head hurt worse. I needed to finish what I was doing and get out of this godforsaken place and maybe then, I’d feel better. If not, I’d nurse my headache with a bottle of whiskey.
I returned to the desk after tucking my still hard cock back into my pants. I picked back up where I had left off, and spent the next hour working between my handheld calculator and the one on the computer. Technology was great, but like executions, sometimes the classics worked better. I kept crunching numbers and coming back to a specific account. It was a Swiss bank account and there was a slight discrepancy that gave me cause for concern.
It wasn’t enough that my father would have one of his most trusted men made an example of, but the same couldn’t be said about me because my loyalty didn’t lie with him. In fact, it didn’t lie with my father either. The patriarch of the Vaccaro family, Stefano, ruled everyone with an iron fist. I had been used to his vitriol and the way he made everyone, including his own family, come to heel. I’d been on the receiving end of his venom more than once and one of these days, the son would take out the one obstacle standing between him and global power.