Page 17 of Valentino DeLuca
“Do I take it you already have a venue in mind?”
“The mansion works. Less chance for the bride to run away.” I wink at Trevor, a smile growing on my face.
She will try to run, if only on principle. And I will be there to catch her. Every time. My heart doubles its beat in anticipation of the chase ahead.
Trevor’s phone rings, interrupting my daydream. “It’s your brother.” He hands me the cell.
“Val, finally! Where did you disappear to? Shit, that’s not important right now. We need to meet.” Sansone’s distress causes the fine hairs on my nape to quiver.
“Calm down, Sansone. Come by the house tonight. I also have a favor to ask.”
“I’ll be there. And Val?” My brother’s voice takes an ominous tone.
“Don’t meet with any DeLuca associates until we’ve spoken.”
* * *
I slump into my office chair and stare longingly in the direction where Sloane should have relocated. She is closer to where she belongs, which is in my bed. Waiting these next six weeks will be hell on more than my limited patience.
I need to see her. Would have stopped by her room first, if not for Sansone’s cryptic request. There are three people I will break any law for, corrupt my soul for, and my brother rounds out the list behind Sloane and Tácito.
When Giulio first introduced me to my younger brother, I didn’t want to like him. He was an extension of the man that stole me away from my one constant in life. As an adult, I understand how deep the betrayal ran for my father, but understanding is not forgiveness.
The day he took me from Tessa Hallowell because she kept my existence a secret sealed our fate. I will never forgive him for what transpired after he relocated me. Although Sansone is Giulio’s legitimate son, that didn’t stop our father from driving Sansone’s mother to a mysterious death. The bastard had covered it up to make it seem like she’d disappeared, leaving Sansone to wonder which was true, the death or the disappearance. Even as heartbroken as I was to suddenly lose my world, Sansone’s sad eyes pulled at me.
I didn’t know then how much we had in common, but our years together strengthened our relationship. He isn’t my half-brother and I’m not Giulio’s bastard son. We’re bonded as full brothers, forged by the hell Giulio put us through.
“Fratello,” Sansone calls from the doorway.
“Did anyone see or follow you?”
He drops his flashy facade. When we’re alone, he doesn’t pretend. Not like when our father and his men are around. Instead of coming right out and saying why he is here, Sansone walks over to the mini bar and pours himself a bourbon. He falls into the chair facing me and rests his head on the headrest with the glass pressed to his forehead.
“The old man doesn’t know I’m here. His men think I’m keeping company and causing a stir with Douglas’ new madam, Mona Lovelace. Honestly, if I were the type to pay, I’d be her number one client. Since I’m not, she’s promised to cover for me in exchange for future favors. We should be good for another twenty minutes.”
“Twenty minutes? You’re losing your touch, old man.”
“Yeah? What about you? Ever since you initiated your plan in earnest, I haven’t seen you with the usual arm candy. Or are you trying to make your houseguest think you’re as good as Tácito?”
I curl my fingers into a fist until the nails bite into my palm. “I’ve never hidden the women I’ve slept with from Sloane. They don’t matter. Never have.”
Sansone sets his glass on the table beside him and leans forward. Genuine curiosity wrinkles his brow. “Then why’d you stop dating?”
Of course he wouldn’t understand. Sansone hardened his heart to all women when Giulio proved the lengths he will go to control his sons. Where I rebelled by maintaining my friendships, Sansone fell in line and stopped seeing the girl Giulio didn’t approve of.
Although I could ignore his question, I don’t enjoy seeing my brother isolating himself this way. It will make him more vulnerable to Giulio, despite Sansone’s efforts to lead a secret life.
“I dated when there was no hope I would get the woman I wanted and be able to keep her safe. That is no longer a consideration.”
“Father won’t care how much power you’ve amassed, he will go after her.”
“I expect nothing less, but he will fail. I’ll make us both orphans before I let him hurt her.”
“Val, you’re underestimating—”
“Enough. You didn’t come here to discuss Sloane. Instead of wasting both of our time, tell me what you’ve learned. Your twenty minutes is fast expiring.”