Page 22 of Valentino DeLuca
“Please give me a moment to confer with my client.”
Glass slams the file closed and nods as he gets up. Da Silva scrapes his chair across the linoleum floor, stands, and slams the chair under the table after moving.
“We’ll be right outside this door,” Glass says.
Once the door closes firmly behind the two men, Paris turns her attention to me. “Is this why you made the request you did? You foresaw something like this happening?”
I nod.
“Are you sure about this method?”
“That depends. Do you have any objections?”
She pulls out her phone and begins texting. “It’s a risky move that guarantees making enemies of the chief and possibly the entire police department. Men like that Da Silva asshole will use his badge to harass you for minor incidents.”
I glare at the door, knowing he is on the other side. “I’m not worried about his ego. He’s no danger to me.”
“Okay, my firm is set to release the footage whenever you say the word.”
I glance at my watch. “Let’s give them another hour to feel superior.”
Paris smiles but wipes her face clear when she informs the detectives we are ready to talk. I sit back in my seat attempting to show my relaxed state, although with this inflexible chair I’m not sure if I achieve my aim.
Paris takes out a legal pad and jots down notes whenever the officers reveal elements to the case as they try to get me to incriminate myself. For the most part, Paris interjects whenever Glass and Da Silva get too aggressive.
At my yawn, Da Silva narrows his eyes at me. “Are we boring you, Mr. DeLuca?”
I glance at my watch and smile. “Don’t worry, you’ll entertain me soon enough.”
Da Silva slams his fists on the table. Before he utters a word, the door slams open and Chad storms in, holding his cell phone up for all to see.
“What is the meaning of this?” he demands.
There is no time for his men to absorb his words, his demeanor, or the live video playing on his screen because a constant dinging erupts from their phones.
“My eyesight isn’t so good these days. Why don’t you tell me what we’re looking at?” I squint to emphasize my point.
Chad throws his phone down where a breaking news announcement dominates the local and national news stations. Noise from the mob outside sounds so clear, I almost think they are at the door about to enter our room.
A well-known journalist holding a microphone with a local channel says, “I’m here in front of the Douglass main police precinct, waiting on word from Chief Chad Thorne about these explosive allegations. They involve corruption, kidnap for hire, bribery, and extortion.
“In Douglass, the mayor appoints the head of police, but earlier today Chief Thorne led Mayor DeLuca out of city hall in handcuffs. This upheaval will leave the city in unrest if the police charge the mayor with a crime.”
The camera switches to the studio where another journalist representing the national news channel interrupts the feed by saying, “I’m sorry to interrupt, but we just received even more shocking information about Councilman Roberts’ murder. According to our sources, Mayor DeLuca is being questioned because an eyewitness identified him on the scene during the time of the murder. Earlier today we reported that Councilman Roberts was murdered between midnight and four am, however, unless Mayor DeLuca can defy the laws of physics, he was at home. Here is an exclusive surveillance footage showing the mayor in his home during this window. Seeing as how he clearly was not on the scene, one begs to wonder why the police made such a public spectacle of bringing him in for questioning. As of a few minutes ago, we have not been able to reach anyone at DPD for comment.”
Da Silva closes the live feed, marches over to me, and drags me out of my seat by my lapels. “Why didn’t you answer me when I asked you earlier?”
“Detective Da Silva, you are flirting with assault charges. Release my client immediately.” Paris’ bored delivery makes the ice in her voice all the more chilling.
Da Silva glares at Paris, who returns his stare with icy calmness. He shoves me and I brush out the wrinkles in my clothes.
“I assure you, gentlemen, the media getting my alibi first was as unfortunate as my departure from city hall.”
“It doesn’t matter. We can hold him for twenty-four hours.” Glass scowls at me from his chair.
“That is an option,” Paris agrees. “But considering the district attorney will have to act quickly on Chief Thorne’s corruption allegations, do you really want to highlight why your precinct is in hot water? I would hate to have a press conference where I am pressed to opine on your motives. Imagine if I say something tying your reasons for harassing my client with extortion and bribery?”
“Enough! Release the mayor now.” Chad glowers at me.