Page 24 of Valentino DeLuca
Although my instinct is to ravish her, make her prove her strength in the bedroom, I rein in the impulse. When she’s fully recovered, I’ll unleash everything I have for her without fear of setting her healing back.
I brush my mouth against hers, then lick the seam between her lips until she opens to me with a gasp. I don’t rush in. I suckle. I sip. I savor this first taste. Her sweetness is a decadent delight, meant for lingering. Her tongue’s texture entices me to revisit the heavenly cavern over and over.
When we pull away, a hazy sheen covers her eyes. I imagine mine are similarly dazed. Her lips, swollen and glistening, call me to sample their richness. I lean forward to do just that when her fingers cover my lips.
“We should talk about the offer I made to Tácito.”
My nostrils flare. “You mean the test trial?” I bite out.
“That and the—”
“I think we’re testing things out right now. You want to know that we’re compatible as more than just friends. Tell me your pussy isn’t wet for me this second.”
Sloane averts her eyes, proving my point. “I know we will be compatible physically. That isn’t enough to base a marriage on.”
“Successful marriages have started with less. And let’s be clear here, we have more than friendship and chemistry going for us. We have respect.”
Her eyes bulge and she raises her hands. “Satin bonds don’t show respect.”
The cloth enclosing her wrists provides her enough room to maneuver the room. I’m a compassionate jailor. I free her when she needs to shower and dress. That is all the freedom I’ll allow her until her signature adorns our marriage certificate.
“They do when used properly.”
“Don’t be obtuse.”
“Then stop playing games. You and I both know if you were determined enough, you would have freed yourself days ago when Tácito removed most of your bandages.”
She rears back, looking everywhere but at me. “You knew?”
“I never underestimate your abilities.”
“Then why keep up the pretense?”
I brush her hair over her shoulder. “Because I’m still a caveman at heart, and I love seeing you tied to a bed, albeit the wrong bed. And so we’re clear, don’t think this means you can leave. The second your toe steps out of this house, I’ll have your ass back in that bed with more restraints than a death row prison transfer.”
“That isn’t fair.”
“Neither is my asshole of a father threatening your life because you breathe. No one loses here.”
Sloane slumps into my hold, defeated. This is not the victory I want. One where she’s lost hope.
I nudge her chin until she looks me in the eye. “Does having a time limit mean that much to you?”
She nibbles her lip. “I don’t think we—you, me, and Tácito—can survive without one. Especially you.”
“I don’t see how.”
“And that’s the problem. You’re in the public eye and you need someone who won’t be a liability. Your political rivals will find out that I’m an assassin and ruin your career. Not to mention what your mafia rivals will do. You’re so focused on protecting me that you’re risking everything you’ve worked so hard to attain. I…I can’t be the reason you lose everything.” Her forlorn tone tears at me.
“One day, you’ll learn your true worth. Until then, I’ll compromise. We’ll remain married no less than twenty years.”
“Twenty…” Sloane nearly leaps out of my lap. If not for my hold on her waist, she would probably pace the room with angry steps. “How is that reasonable?”
“You’re negotiating in the wrong direction. Three years.”
“I could have started with a lifetime term.”