Page 26 of Valentino DeLuca
I brush at the hair feathering her forehead. “You’re wrong. Although I’m not the knight you need, I’m the one who will always pledge everything I have for you. Do whatever I need to keep you alive. Sacrifice whoever I need to put a smile on your face. Now let me eat your pussy until you come on my face and forget about this bullshit about you not being pretty or my principessa.”
Sloane gasps on a watery laugh and the tightness in my chest eases.
“I want to hear more of that, but after I’ve feasted and taught you a lesson you’ll never forget.”
“About respectful satin bonds?” she asks, her voice much lighter than moments ago.
I trail a finger down her chest, pausing to caress her scars along the way. “Maybe this will be a two-in-one lesson,” I muse.
Valentino’s words are salve to wounds I didn’t realize I carried. With every brush of his lips against my skin, he replaces the darkness that has encased me for as long as the secret origins of my scars. With every whispered praise, he forces me to confront the nasty comparisons I’ve kept to myself. Valentino will never know the extent of the ugliness that arose inside me whenever I met one of his lovers or thought about our differences.
The women in his life, though temporary, always fit a mold. They were gorgeous women who Giulio would approve with far more welcome than he had for me. They could easily meld into Valentino’s political and criminal worlds with an easy wardrobe and makeup change. Those women never faced international war zones, weeks of rigorous, life-threatening training, or men intent on making them disappear. Those ladies were bred to be First Ladies.
I don’t fit that mold. While I can wear the fashionable brands and am decent with my makeup and hair, sexy, revealing dresses will always be on the no list for me. Valentino may find me sexy, scars and all, but his donors won’t. They also won’t appreciate my experience and the horrors I’ve lived through for the sake of our country. His donors like living in pristine homes far away from the issues affecting the world. They find the idea of my service commendable without understanding the inhumanity that underlies the orders.
Not Valentino. He moves within the shadows as easily as the sun. My life is all shadows except for him and Tácito. I glance at the man who has always felt like warm sun warming my cold flesh. He engulfs my breast in his mouth and deeply draws on my nipple. The pulling sensation travels all the way to my core and thoughts of donors and rightness melt into nothingness.
I gasp and pull him closer to my breast while running my fingers through his silky hair.
Valentino has many hard edges, but he knows his mind. Indecision doesn’t plague him like it does with me. He speaks and therefore shall it be. This time, he has spoken about my beauty, and as he worships my body, building the embers inside me to a roaring flame, I begin to believe him.
Guard your heart.
The whisper of a thought flits about me, but I intend to ignore it. The truth is it’s too late to guard my heart. For the next five years, I will give Valentino and Tácito what little they don’t already own, though they grossly overvalue its worth. None of that matters when I can feed myself with the love they have for me until they realize our love is meant to last only a season.
A sharp sting on my breast draws my attention to Valentino.
“Did you just bite me?”
“You drifted somewhere that isn’t here with me.”
“So you bit me.”
“Yes, you’re fucking delicious and I may bite you again.” He nibbles at the teeth mark now gracing my skin. “Tell me where you went just now.”
I smile at him, though I doubt it isn’t shaded with sadness. “Just thinking what our lives will look like for the next five years.”
He grunts. “Better to live in the present as it comes. Build memories, not dreams.” He kisses and licks the sensitive skin beneath my chin, the hairs from his beard scraping my neck. “Dreams never taste as sweet.” He pinches my puckered nipple, causing me to hiss. “They never feel as acute.”
Lower and lower, he travels until his face hovers over my pussy. He takes the excess satin material and fits it over my nether region like a G-string. With our gazes locked onto each other, he manipulates the cloth, saturating it in my juices. The sensation wrenches pleasurable cries from me. As do his greedy moans and satisfied grunts that vibrate through the material directly to my clit.
“And dreams sure as fuck don’t sound as good,” Valentino growls.
I writhe under his manipulation as feverish flames lick me. They aren’t flames, but Valentino’s mouth and tongue on my skin, sucking my flesh as if he can never get enough. He leaves a trail of fire in his wake that I want to revel in even as I know he’ll leave me in a pile of ash.
“I’ll fill your days with memories you’ll cherish forever. Teach you the true value you hold within yourself. Love you like only I can. The way you need.” He follows up his sweet verbal assault by biting down on my clit.
Valentino rips a cry from me; his teeth’s sharp sting causes my body to gush while my mind succumbs to the beauty he describes. I reach out to him, and he meets me halfway. He takes my lips in a searing kiss unlike the sweet exploration earlier. He is forceful, using his tongue and teeth to tame me into submission.
This I can do for him willingly. Submit to his kisses, his touches, his words that speak about memories while creating dreams I never knew I could have. Each swipe of his tongue and stroke from his hands strips away one reason after another for why I’m not good enough.
While conquering my mouth, Valentino manipulates the silk between my lower lips, pushing me closer and closer to an explosive ending. I hold onto my tormentor, arching into him for another glancing touch from his fingers, demanding more pressure. But he denies me the push I need to free the rising tension within my body.
“Valentino…” I beg into his mouth.