Page 59 of Valentino DeLuca
“I’ve heard you out. I’ll let you know tomorrow what my decision is.”
Giulio’s glance shifts to Sloane. His jaw flexes with the response he holds back. With a stiff nod, he turns to the door, but pauses with his hand on the knob. “Whatever you decide, make sure it’s your decision and not based on outside influences.”
I follow him out to make sure he leaves. My suspicions won’t die after a five minute conversation. The most important lesson I’ve learned from Giulio is never be too trusting.
After seeing him off, I return to the office where Tácito and Sloane anxiously study me.
“I’m fine, but we need to discuss Giulio’s proposal.”
Sloane rushes me, enclosing me in her arms while Tácito rests a comforting hand on my shoulder. Their physical and silent support melts away the tension I didn’t know I held within me. I squeeze the hand on my shoulder then tilt Sloane’s face up for a quick kiss. My actions are my silent way of acknowledging them while thanking them.
I separate from them, leading them to the small sitting area. I quickly summarize the situation for Tácito before turning to Sloane. “What are your thoughts?”
“I sensed some truth to what he said…”
“But you have doubts?”
“Of course. He’s threatened each of us in one capacity or another for twenty-odd years.”
“But, what if he follows through this time?” Tácito asks. “Hear me out. He’s getting old. The last few months have aged him considerably. If you think he’s being honest about wanting to secure Sansone’s future, would it be so bad to believe he’ll back off?” He leans his head against the seat’s headrest and closes his eyes. “I’ve seen turnabouts like this happen when my patients are forced to face their own mortality. The ones that recover from surgery and live long after have received forgiveness from the people they hurt. Unfortunately, many don’t. They don’t last long afterward.” A sigh escapes him and Tácito peeks at me through one eye. “Maybe you’re suspicious because you see he’s struggling to do the right thing, but he’s persevering.”
While he studies me, I mull over his words and try to fit them with what I know about Giulio. Is there anything in this world that can make him a semi-decent human being?
“Tácito, you say that because you are innately generous and you don’t want Valentino to live with regrets.” Sloane clasps Tácito’s hand and kisses his knuckles. “That’s one of the qualities I love about you, but Giulio doesn’t deserve your benevolence. The only way to be sure a poisonous snake won’t bite you is to pull out its fangs, and Giulio has more fangs than he has teeth.”
I scrub my face while the decision weighs heavier and heavier on my shoulders. “Both of you are right, but it’s too soon to trust him.”
“He doesn’t need to know you don’t trust him.” Tácito offers. “Agree to what he wants, but put him on a short leash. If you’re believable enough, he’ll lower his guard and we can watch for any slip ups.”
“I’ll want you on your guard, too. I’m going to increase security for both of you. I’ll also have a conversation with my brother. He knows my real enemy is Giulio, not the organization, but I wonder if my actions have inadvertently affected him. He’d mentioned a new player and I’ve read some concerning reports about a new gang showing up and causing trouble.”
“I’m sure Sansone will understand.” Sloane stands from her chair and plops into my lap. “Nothing can come between you two.”
I smile at her and she smoothes my beard. The light caress soothes the worry boiling inside me and I press our foreheads together. “As long as I have you and Tácito, I don’t care if everything else goes to shit.”
“I know what you mean. I love you both so much that I won’t stand by and let anyone hurt either of you.”
I stiffen at her words. “Say that again,” I demand.
I’m not alone in my need. Tácito straightens, a bright fever burning in his silver eyes.
A confused frown appears on Sloane’s face. “Say what again? That I agree with you?”
“Do not toy with us.”
Her face clears and she scoffs. “The bit about me loving you so much? This isn’t breaking news. I wouldn’t have put up with as much as I have or marry you if I didn’t love you.”
“What Valentino isn’t saying is you’ve never actually said the words. You have no idea how excited I get when the word love escapes those beautiful lips only for you to describe something I do or a quality I have. This is the first you’ve come out and said you love us.”
She straightens in my lap. “You’re exaggerating. I must have said it a million times.”
“In your head, maybe,” I grumble.
“Also, with your actions.” Tácito shrugs when I glare at him for that little defense.
“If it bothered you so much, why didn’t either of you ask? You demand to know everything else I do or think. Especially in bed. You could have had me screaming my love for you so loud the staff would need noise-canceling headphones.”
“Just when I think your observation skills have improved, you prove me wrong.” I sigh, shaking my head. “Those three words have more meaning when you say them unprompted. Honestly, Sloane, Tácito and I aren’t hard to read. Words matter to us just as much as your actions.”