Page 66 of Valentino DeLuca
“Don’t you fucking raise another finger and start counting out your reasons. Take the fucking win and shut up already.” I stomp away but not before glimpsing Tácito’s shaky hands as he shoulders his bag.
In less than two minutes, we move out and pile into mine-resistant, ambush-protected armored vehicles. If my political rivals ever hear that I’ve used the police force’s vehicles for personal use, my career might be over. If I dig really deep inside myself, I’m sure I won’t find a fuck to give if that happens.
With seven to a vehicle, putting on the gear we packed in our bags is no easy feat. I get Tácito’s attention with a hard nudge to his chest.
“You are not to step foot outside this vehicle unless facing immediate danger. Do you understand me?”
“Not if I can’t keep track of what’s happening to you and Sloane.”
“About that.” I retrieve a monitor and shove it at him. “My and Sloane’s body cam will livestream everything you need to see. Unfortunately, I can’t do anything about the sound so you’ll have to settle for what you can see.”
“Thanks Valentino.”
“Don’t mention it. I mean it. Not one word. And don’t forget to stay in the truck unless—”
“I’m in immediate danger. Got it.”
I glare at him, but there’s no going back at this point. I double check that I have everything on my suit.
Five minutes into the drive, Ethan takes a call. “Boss,” Ethan says while pulling another monitor from his bag and booting it up. Uncertainty lines his voice. “The team we have on Giulio reported that they’ve found your in-laws.”
I catch Sloane’s attention and nod to Tácito. Without me having to explain, she starts signing the news to him.
“Where?” I lean over to see what he’s looking at.
“They aren’t at the hub. If I’m not mistaken, this is a Luxe building. I don’t understand. When I dug up information on Ghost Six I never found ties to Kent.”
“You wouldn’t. Kent’s ties are with the DeLucas. The real question is how the team following Giulio stumbled onto the Mitchells and Sandovals.” A million other questions run through my mind. Was I wrong about Giulio? Has he aligned with Ghost Six behind our backs? What does he gain from an alliance with them? How much does Kent know? He has more reason to stay on my good side.
“I don’t know but I have an idea how to retrieve your family,” Ethan says, interrupting my thoughts. “Send one of the trucks to the Luxe building. Truck five has seven men with the skill set we need and they work well together.”
“Do it.” I have no choice at this point but to make this decision. “Make sure they know not to return if anything happens to the Mitchells and Sandovals.”
“Roger that.”
While Ethan relays the new orders, I rejoin Sloane and Tácito.
“Giulio?” Sloane pinches her lips until they almost disappear.
“That man gives new meaning to being a petty fucker,” Tácito grumbles. “Right now, nothing your father does will surprise me. He will work against his best interest to wield power over someone he thinks should be under his thumb.”
I stare between the two. “So you have zero doubts he’s behind this.”
“None,” they say in unison.
I can’t deny their logic. “Then we survive tonight and have faith the other team will rescue your parents unharmed. Tomorrow, we make me an orphan.”
They glance down but not before I see the sympathy in their eyes. What they have never understood is that Giulio’s life never mattered to me. He served a purpose, but Sansone and I have outgrown him and he’s outgrown his usefulness.
As we approach the hub, we finalize our impromptu plan. One man clutches at his crucifix while his lips move in silent prayer. Another man hypes himself up with whispered affirmations. Sloane, Tácito, and I hold hands, our knuckles stretching our skins tight while silently drawing strength from each other as we ready ourselves for the coming confrontation.
* * *
We make it to Ghost Six’s hub with minutes to spare.
“Ethan, what’s Truck Five’s status?” I ask. I doubt my calm manner fools anyone.
The welfare of Tácito and Sloane’s parents have been a constant worry for us all. From here on, any mistake could have dire consequences to their survival.