Page 71 of Valentino DeLuca
“If he’d heard you, he’d probably take you to task for that bit about leaving him. Fuck, this hurts,” Valentino groans.
“I saw enough to get the gist,” Tácito stiffly replies.
“Saw? Fuck, you weren’t supposed to see anything.”
I turn my head with tears springing to my eyes as Valentino struggles to sit upright. A cast on his left leg makes the task more difficult. Relief and a deep sense of happiness at the proof he’s made it through settles inside me.
Tácito runs to his side to aid him. “If you need more pain meds, don’t hesitate to take them. And before you ask, our parents are safe. I put them on a VIP list at the hospital where they’ve been poked and prodded until they yelled at the doctors to leave.”
I welcome the news, though now I have to worry about them seeing me in my condition without a good explanation. Up until my wedding day, I let them assume the reason I never visited was because I was still active duty. At my reception, they expressed their hope that I would stop taking dangerous missions. They were so happy to hear I didn’t re-up that I didn’t tell them when my last day was or what I did in the meantime. I’ll have to work on a good excuse.
“I’m glad the team saved everyone,” Valentino says. “That leaves how to explain my absence from work.”
“Trevor’s on it.” Tácito offers him a drink. “He put out a press release that you have a highly contagious viral infection. Once you’re ready for a photo op, he’ll address your leg injury as something you sustained during your illness.”
Valentino sips from the cup and clears his throat. “He’s really good at his job. Were we successful in staying under the radar?”
Ethan enters the room at the end of Valentino’s question. “The new police chief is covering for you regarding the misuse of government property. He told the press there was a sting operation and he’s silenced anyone who reported seeing one of the armored vehicles at the clinic. Our men had minor injuries and no casualties, which helps with our cover.” As Ethan reports his update, he searches the room with a hopeful expression. Once he’s done a full sweep, his face falls, but he wipes the disappointment clear as he approaches Valentino’s bedside.
In all the updates, there is one I haven’t heard yet.
“What happened to Giulio?” I ask.
All eyes turn on me, but Tácito’s pair causes apprehension to swirl in my stomach.
“He escaped.” The hard delivery from Tácito increases my internal upheaval.
The last time I caught a glimpse to this side of him was during my conversation about Valentino’s extreme view on men’s roles in my life.
“Have you talked to Sansone? We need to check his safe houses if we want to get him before he escapes.” Valentino reaches for his IV stand in a bid to get up.
Tácito firmly but gently pushes him back. “While you’re recovering, you aren’t part of any efforts to find and retrieve your father. I’ll work with your brother.”
Valentino falls back against his bed while gulping air. “This time. Once I’m on my feet again, you won’t have to pull my weight for me.”
“Oh, look at that.” Tácito raises his hospital badge in front of Valentino. “That says you aren’t moving until I give you the go ahead.” He swings his head in my direction.
“Yeah, I’ve been down this road with you before. I’ll be a model patient and help this one”—I point to Valentino—“learn what that entails. Ooh, can I make rules that he’ll have to follow? Finally feel what it’s like to wield power over—”
“Principessa, you can certainly try, but what happens when Tácito gives me the all clear?”
“We get knock-out drunk to celebrate that we survived the shit show. Why are you looking at me like that again,” I ask Tácito.
“You’re imagining things,” he responds and bends his head to fiddle with machine attached to Valentino’s IV stand. “Since I doubt you’ll push the button without a lecture, I pushed it for you. The pain should ease soon.”
Valentino grumbles something indistinguishable, but I bet it has something to do with Tácito taking initiative when he wasn’t ready.
“Hilde will be here to look after you two tomorrow.”
At Tácito’s mention of the muscular nurse, Ethan perks up. Well, well, well. I never would have put those two together. After some thought, I can totally see them as a couple. One with lots of spice because I don’t see Nurse Hilde rolling over for Ethan just because he says so. And if anyone needed someone to challenge his authority in life, it’s Ethan.
Tácito’s voice becomes background noise as I continue to envision various scenarios pitting Ethan and Hilde together.
Tácito glances at me and steps into the middle of the room. “Before your meds kick in, I have something to say to the two of you.”
“Sounds like I’m not needed for this.” Ethan gives Valentino a wave. “I’ll check in tomorrow with any updates I have.”
With Ethan gone, Tácito unleashes. “If you want to kill me, shooting me in the head would be cleaner and faster.”