Page 17 of Unexpectedly Yours
“It would make things difficult. Both with family and at work.”
That was the truth. He didn’t know how he was going to see her at simple family dinners without things being uncomfortable. It may have been a one-night stand in theory, but he knew that their attraction went pretty deep. They liked each other, but this thing couldn’t continue.
Time for the conversation. “This was a fun night. I hope you’re okay with everything.”
Caroline nodded. “I’m fine. It was wonderful.”
“Are you ever going to tell me about your dreams?”
Caroline’s eyes went wide. “Dreams?”
“Last night when you were asleep on the couch and I woke you, you said something about having dreams about me.”
“No, I didn’t.”
Even in the soft light in the room, he could see her turn red. Nice. Would he ever get tired of seeing her blush? He didn’t think so. “Yeah, you did.”
She covered her face with her hands and Josh had to decide if he was going to push this or let it go. He let it go. He had to let all of it go. Someday he might find out what the dreams comment was all about, but right now it didn’t matter. Not really. “Well, it was fun.”
Caroline looked at him through the veil of her lashes. “It was.”
He had to like that. She’d spent the beginning of the night nervous, but Josh was confident enough to know it had been good for her. Based on her reactions, she’d had a really good time. “I’m glad it was... good.”
Silence lingered after that, and it was awkward. What now? He had the car service on standby to bring her home—no “walk of shame” for Caroline—but it was still a little early for her to leave.
He was just about to say something about breakfast when Caroline spoke.
“I have a... I guess you’d call it a proposition... for you.”
A proposition?Josh didn’t know what to expect. If he’d learned anything it was that Caroline was unpredictable. There was no telling what she was going to say.
“What’s on your mind?”
Pushing her glasses up her nose, Caroline straightened, folded her legs in front of her, and rested her hands in her lap. Her posture was so prim and in direct contrast to her sexy nerd-girl appearance. He never expected her to say what she did. “I’d like to, you know, see you again.”
Whoa. What? She wasn’t just talking about a movie or lunch some afternoon. No, the look in her eyes hinted at one thing. They shouldn’t have slept together at all. Keep doing it? No.“Caroline, this was great, but...” He rose from the sofa and put some distance between them. God knew, if he stayed close, he’d be tempted to take her up on her offer. That could not happen. “I’m not looking for a relationship.”
“I know. I just thought, you know, this was fun... and I had this idea....”
“Idea? I’m not following.”
“Friends with benefits? I mean, we get along and I’d like to learn more. From you.”
“You want me to…teach you? About sex?”
“Yes, and if you need help with anything on your project…”
“Whoa, hold up. That sounds like an exchange.”
“Not exactly. I mean—there has to be some benefit to you.”
“Sweet Jesus.” He dropped his head.
“Never mind. It’s a bad idea,” she whispered.
And she was a beautiful, brilliant woman. It made him furious that she even thought she’d need to offer something other than herself.
“Damn right it’s a bad idea. I can’t believe you just said that.” Running his hand through his hair, Josh walked to the large window. “Teach you?”