Page 27 of Unexpectedly Yours
And really great sex, Caroline thought.
“You didn’t tell me?” Now Meg was angry. She didn’t like being kept out of the loop.
Josh was watching her and it looked like he had something on his mind. “I don’t know what this has to do with you, Meg.”
Uh-oh. The whole room went quiet.
“Caroline is my sister. I love her and I don’t, I don’t... I’m not sure of you yet. I’m getting there, but...”
“Meg, you’re not being fair.” Crap, why did Caroline say anything? Why? There wasn’t anything she could do, which was why she was going to leave.
“Fair? I don’t have to be fair. When it comes to my family—”
Josh cut her off and stopped her cold. He had his hands firmly planted on his hips and his size made him intimidating; he towered over everyone in the room, including his brother. “You have some nerve, Meg. You tell me you don’t trust me. You try to run your sister’s life. Who do you think you are?”
Caroline watched, just watched the big man, the oldest of the four of them, tell her sister where she could take her attitude. His confidence and strength rolled off his wide shoulders. He was impressive. If you liked that sort of thing in a guy.
“Your sister is helping me decipher problems I’m having with a real estate project. Stuff that’s way over my head. She’s a life saver.”
“I know she’s smart, but there’s more to life than being smart. I’m trying to watch out for her.”
“What you need to do is respect her. She’s an engineer, a writer. She’s pretty amazing and more than able to handle herself.”
Oh God. Oh, God. He didn’t. Now she’d have to kill him.
“What the hell is he talking about?” Meg looked at Caroline.
Caroline, however, was looking at Josh. He’d just outed her and she could barely speak. “Why did you do that?”
“Do what?”
“Tell? About my writing. I trusted you and you blurted it out like it’s nothing. It’s personal.”
“Don’t be ridiculous. You’re talented.”
“Okay, so she has a hobby,” Meg said.
The noise in her head was thrumming. A constant din that was getting louder and louder. It filled her head with the voices. The arguing. The noise.
She wanted to scream.
Throwing her bag on the table, that’s exactly what she did.
“All of you shut up!”
It was just loud enough to make an impact, especially since Caroline never yelled. “None of you should talk. You all say things and make decisions for me like I’m not here.” She paced in a circle. “I am here. I’M RIGHT HERE!”
She’d never been so angry. Never been so hurt. And it wasn’t one person, it was everyone in the room except the little girl who didn’t understand why her aunt had gone crazy.
“Oh, honey,” her mother began, “we know you’re here. We just want what’s best for you.”
“When do I get to decide what’s best for me, Mom? When?” Her mother was trying to form an answer when Caroline turned on Meg. “And my writing isn’t ahobby, Meg. It’s what I want to do with my life.”
“Maybe if you focused on your job, on what you’re good at,” her sister spat out, “you wouldn’t be having problems at work!”
“You don’t know anything about what goes on at my job. Nothing. The firm is a nightmare. I might be good at it, but I’m in an impossible situation.”
Caroline went over and gave Molly a strong hug. “I love you, Molly and I’m sorry you had to see all of us angry. See you soon.” Her poor niece looked so confused.