Page 94 of Lies of My Monster (Monster Trilogy)
I was struggling with women’s underwear, but the lady in the store was super helpful without being judgmental about how a grown-ass woman didn’t know her exact sizes.
It was weird enough that I went out as a woman (still dressed in joggers and a hoodie, though), and I automatically found myself in the men's section before I recalled that I’m not pretending anymore.
I thought about dying my hair back to blonde, but that’s too much of a change for now.
I put on the matching nightgown the girl suggested, then look in the mirror. Oh, wow. I actually look good in this. The transparent nightgown molds against my curves, and the color brings out the green in my eyes—and my ring.
Since I didn’t try them on in the store, I wasn’t expecting much. Needless to say, I was too embarrassed to be buying this stuff when I never have in my life.
Then I sit in front of the mirror and try to experiment with makeup by following YouTube tutorials.
I wish I’d brought the case Kirill got for me, but he said since I was going back anyway, I should leave the wedding dress behind.
Two hours later, I scrap everything and go with simple mascara and lip gloss.
Looks like it’s going to take me a long time to be a woman again, but hey, small steps. Right?
A knock sounds downstairs, and I flinch, but it’s entirely due to excitement. It’s still late afternoon, so I thought I had more time to tidy up the cottage, but maybe Kirill missed me so much that he came early.
At least, that’s what I choose to believe as I slip into a robe and wrap the belt around me. I practically fly down the stairs and throw the door open with a huge grin on my face.
I’m about to jump him in a hug, but I freeze.
It’s not Kirill who’s standing in front of the door.
Not even close.
Yuri looks at me without a change of expression, his hands balled into fists on either side of him and his face hard.
Oh, shit.
“Uh, I…” I trail off, not knowing what to say.
Sorry, I’ve been lying to you all this time?
Hey, so here it is. I’m actually a woman?
“Surprise,” I say lamely.
“Far from it.” He pushes past me into the cottage and slams the door shut.
This is the first time I’ve seen this part of Yuri. He’s usually calm, collected, and the complete opposite of Maksim’s turbulent energy. He’s the anchor everyone turns to when they need reassurance. He’s definitely been mine, especially when I was having an identity crisis after Kirill was shot in Russia.
Now, however, he looks ready to destroy a mountain and all living beings on it. If I hadn’t known him for years, I’d be sure he’s an imposter.
“You…you’re not surprised I’m a woman.”
When he says nothing and continues fixating me with that hard edge, I shiver. “You…knew? Since when?”
“Since the day you walked into that special ops unit.”
“Wow, okay. Why…why didn’t you tell me?”
“I was supposed to keep a low profile, but that’s all in the past now.” He walks around the place, checking power sockets, beneath the sofa and chairs, in the lamps—everywhere.
He’s looking for cameras or listening devices, I presume.
“There aren’t any,” I say because I checked.
Yuri, however, doesn’t stop his thorough scouring. I tighten the belt around my waist as I watch him. It’s like I’m looking at an entirely different person. His movements are as sharp as his expression.
Once he’s satisfied there aren’t any, he comes down the stairs and glares at me.
“Why are you looking at me like that, Yuri? You’re giving me the creeps.”
“Good. You need more than that to come back to your fucking senses.” He tightens his fists. “Go get your things. We’re leaving.”
“Why would I go anywhere with you?” I pause. “Did Kirill send you?”
“Fuck that motherfucker.”
I flinch.
Okay. This is a lot more serious than I thought. Yuri has always respected Kirill. He doesn’t consider it his life’s mission to protect him like Viktor and me, but he’s one of Kirill’s most trusted men.
“What happened?”
“We need to go before he gets rid of you after you so stupidly told him everything.”
“What…what are you talking about?”
“He’s sending people over to get rid of you, idiot.”
I shake my head. “You must be joking.”
“Do I look like I’m joking?”
“That can’t be true because…because…Kirill and I are married!”
“You really believe that shit?” He hits me upside the head, and I freeze. Fuck.
This brings back old, rusty memories. “I thought you’d be better than this, or I wouldn’t have let you in.”
“What…” I look at him as if he’s an alien. “We really got married…” I lift my finger. “Look. I have a ring.”
“Oh yeah?” He taps a few things into his phone and then thrusts it in my face.
It’s a picture of the grand church where all the brotherhood weddings happen. There are familiar faces in the crowd—Damien, Adrian, Lia, the Pakhan, Igor, Mikhail, and a pissed-off Rai.