Page 17 of Playing For Keeps
Try telling that to my aching cock.
“So, there’s no interview?” she asks, looking more disappointed than worried about getting in a car with a stranger.
“Oh, well. Sure. I mean. Yes!” I explain, “I just….”
There’s that ‘I just’ again.
It’s like every time I try to even go near the real reason I want to see her; it’s like my brain stops working.
Because all I want to do is hold her close and show her how I feel. And a helluva lot more.
“What is it, Zak?” Jade asks, looking almost worried. “If it’s my Mom or the fact I’m a girl….”
“It’s not that,” I assure her, puffing some air out with my cheeks before taking the turn off for the freeway.
“So, what is it?” she asks.
“Well… I was going to ask if maybe you’d like to, ya know. Maybe uh…maybe go out sometime,” I finally manage to get out.
Veering hard left away from slow and steady, but I’m giving her the tamest version I can. To start with, I mean, if I told her what I really wanted?
No. I must keep it professional without knowing if she feels the same.
Okay, I have to keep it platonic. Like just friends, if she wants.
I guess I’ve already crossed the boss/employee line by now anyways.
Turning up at her house unannounced isn’t normal for people you barely know.
“You mean, go out like we’re doing now?” she asks, sounding unsure of herself. And I can tell she’s wondering if maybe all this is some kind of recruitment test or something.
See how people react in unusual situations, that sort of thing.
But I’m not testing her. And I guess maybe she isn’t into me the way I thought after all.
It was a pretty long shot.
“Yeah, like we’re doing now, I guess.” I laugh, forcing the sound from my suddenly dry throat.
Feeling like I’ve died more than just a little inside as we drive on in silence.
That slow and steady approach feels like it’s just had quick-set cement poured all over it.
After Zak goes quiet, I feel kind of blank. Like I’m waiting for him to fire more questions at me or just talk about his game or something.
But he’s a clam all of a sudden.
He’s not angry or upset, but something definitely….
Oh shit.
Did he just? Was h….?
Ooooooh shiiiiit.
It hits me like a tire iron to the face, and I spin my head to face Zak, mouth open, ready to ask him if he means what I think he means.
But I freeze up, unsure if I say or ask the wrong thing; it might ruin my chance at not just a job offer but also give him the completely wrong idea about me.
Which doesn’t make sense because I do feel that way about him. Can’t he tell?
I guess I might have to tell him.
At least drop a hint.
Okay… Say something to put the guy out of his misery. There’s no point playing guessing games for the rest of your life.
“You mean, go out, go out?” I hear my voice squeak.
Zak turns his head, eyes lock onto mine, and he studies them intently.
There’s no pleading or apology in his look, just fire. And it spreads quickly.
Engulfing me once again in that inferno that is his gaze.
He growls low as his head nods, and his lip curls once he notices me taking a shivering breath.
“Like out, out,” he echoes back to me, and I can’t help but smile.
I thought I’d be crushed if I found out he was married or just not interested in a younger, heavy-set girl like me.
But everything about him, about us, has just clicked so far.
Hearing him all but say it, I know what he’s getting at.
But what the hell am I getting myself into?
What will Mom say? Oh my god… What would Joey say?
“So the whole job interview thing was a cunning ploy, a ruse to get me alone?” I tease him, cocking my brow and doing my best at being sassy.
“Not exactly,” he smiles, taking the curves of the freeway as expertly as I hope he’ll handle mine.
He has seen me, right? He does know I’m not attractive by definition. Right?
“You can have both, one or the other, or none,” he says, frowning at the last option, but it’s his way of letting me know that the ball is well and truly in my court.
I guess.
“So…,” I say again. “Just to be absolutely clear what we’re talking about here.” I start theorizing aloud, aiming to ensure I’m not getting the wrong end of the stick here.
But his hand slipping into mine shuts me up, and he squeezes it gently after I jump a little. Making it all the easier to give a little squeeze in reply of my own.
My hand’s tiny in his, but they’re so warm and smooth. And safe.
Something about Zak is I know he’s just completely honest, mature, and very, very safe to be with.