Page 28 of Playing For Keeps
I thought I’d be fine seeing Jade home.
I thought I was mature enough to agree that her mom was probably right about her being home at a decent hour, even if I kept her way past that.
Plus, I’ll be seeing her in the morning.
But after parking a few doors down again so we don’t get spotted having our goodnight kiss.
Then watching her walk to her door before going inside, the house suddenly lighting up from the inside. I let out a low groan.
I miss her already.
More than that, I don’t want Jade in that house anymore. Don’t even want to think about her living in this neighborhood.
She’s mine now, and she belongs to me.
I have to let her go, though, at least for tonight. Everything’s worked in our favor so far, so I guess Jade’s right.
Her working for me is the best way for us to see each other without opening the huge can of worms her mom finding out about us would be.
I sit watching her house for what feels like a few minutes, but by the time the lights go out, I jolt with a start.
It’ll be dawn in a few hours.
Shit. I can even sit and watch her house, and time flies by.
Nowhere near tired, I consider the drive back to the only place I have to stay, the workshop.
I could get a hotel room, and I should really go over some things in the office.
But the passing thought of a hotel, a nice one, coupled with my plan to make Jade’s deflowering something special, gives me an idea.
Something way more interesting than Miles’ notes or staring at gaming code until morning.
And way more interesting than setting Jade to work on anything except picking up where we left off before she had to go home.
I busy myself in the front seat of my car, which I discover is actually way more comfortable than the couch at the office. Setting to work on finding and booking the best hotel suite online available in Baltimore.
It’s still dark out by the time I’ve booked a solid week at what looks like the best option.
I’m not interested in a price telling me how good something is. I think I can decide that for myself, and I hope Jade likes what I’ve chosen for us both as much as I do.
I don’t want to make her feel pressured either, but just knowing I have a place as special as Jade is to take her is enough to get me through the next few hours before I can see her again.
It isn’t long before my whale song of a belly groan lets me know that neither of us ate anything last night either.
But I had my fill of Jade, a serving anyhow. And she never looked or even mentioned being hungry.
Driving away from her house feels as stupid as dropping her off there in the first place, but if I’m going to find something to eat, I have to go looking.
Not just an early breakfast for me, but for Jade too. She’s at the tip of every decision I make from now on.
Figuring her first day of work can start with the most important meal of the day as well as making up for me not even thinking about food last night.
Something that’s as important to me as breathing, usually.
Even though going back to her place with food means dealing with her mom again, and this early on a Saturday, I’m not expecting a hero’s welcome.
But I figure I may as well get her mom used to the idea of seeing a lot more of me.
Not just as her daughter’s employer either.
If Jade and I are going to be a forever team, her mom will be part of our family, whether she likes it or not.
I drive somewhat aimlessly out of the suburbs and almost into the city before finding a decent-looking breakfast place with a small crowd inside. Always a good sign.
I order for three and settle on a bag of coffee beans instead of paper cups of hot coffee.
Stuff I know won’t be cold by the time I get back to Jade’s place.
I’m barely back in my car when I find myself absently munching on a fried chicken bagel, then the waffles.
Only stopping myself when I re-examine how much food is likely to be left by the time I get back.
“Hmmm. Looks like mom can make her own damned breakfast,” I growl.
Catching a glimpse of myself in the rearview mirror, my upper lip, all thick with mayo and grease. A wild look in my eyes that’s crazier than just a guy who’s been up all night.
The only other thing on my mind apart from food is Jade. And making sure there’s plenty left over for her.
It’s a snap decision and one I may live to regret. But seriously? I’m not going to play this game anymore.