Page 102 of Sick Boys
“This dinner is not an escape from your punishment,” his father says, lowering his fork and knife. “You’re all still suspended for the week. And that essay is still due in full.”
A collective sigh fills the room.
“Now sit and eat. Mrs. Caruso made an amazing dinner, and if any of it goes to waste, I’ll add another essay.”
After the boys complete their suspension, and we’ve all written our ten-thousand-word essay, Dylan’s father finally lets us off the hook.
The following days, everyone around this campus looks at me like I’m a devil in disguise. Whispers of my story about those Phantom boys have gone all around the university, and even though most believe my story, no one really dares to get close anymore.
All because I’m a part of the clique who got caught up in that unresolved murder case.
As I walk down the hallway, Dylan and Alistair walk out of a classroom where Felix waits for them, leaning against the wall. He hands Dylan a cigarette while holding up his own, and Dylan lights both before they all walk down the hallway in my direction.
A devious smirk grows on Dylan’s face when he spots me while Alistair remains aloof, as always. But Felix’s eyes scare me most of all. Possessive. Greedy. An all-consuming stare that could bore a hole into my chest and rip out my heart while it’s still beating.
They’re headed straight toward me, but instead of turning around, I face them head-on, just as I did the first time I met them in these same hallways.
And when they get close, Dylan runs to me and wraps his arm around my neck so tight I might choke.
“Hey, cute little rat,” he says, rubbing my hair so it’s all messy.
“Oh my God, I told you not to call me that,” I retort, shoving him, but he won’t let go, and for some reason, it makes me laugh too.
“Okay, little slut,” he rebukes.
My jaw drops. “We’re in public.”
“So? Doesn’t make you any less ours,” Felix says as he stands behind me and leans over, holding the cigarette between his index finger and thumb. “Want a smoke?”
I shake my head. “No, thanks. My uncle died of lung cancer. I’ve seen what it does.”
Felix shrugs. “Suit yourself.” He takes another whiff, then casually puts his hand on my waist.
“No smoking in the hallways, Rivera!” a teacher yells from down the hall.
Felix just raises his brow and keeps smoking until we get to the teacher, after which he chucks it on the ground in front of him and stomps it out. “There you go. It’s all yours now.”
“Insufferable little—”
“Did you forget who’s on the fucking school board?” Felix says, shoving his hands into his pocket, which I know is a sign he’s getting pissed.
“You know the rules—”
“I’ll make sure that rule is fucking changed,” Felix interjects. “And the day it does, you won’t find out because you’ll be fucking gone.”
Then he walks off like it meant nothing at all, even though the teacher seems horrified that he’d even have that kind of power.
When I spot Kayla talking just beyond the grand doors of the building, I leave the boys and run up to them. “Hey, girls. Sorry, I’m late for our usual picnic.”
They eye me as though I’ve risen from the dead. “Are you sure you want to come?” Crystal peeks over my shoulder. “Seems like you’ve been busy.”
I shrug. “They won’t get in the way.” I glare at them over my shoulder. “Right, boys?”
Dylan shrugs. “Ali, wanna go get some burgers?”
“Fuck yeah, I’m game,” he replies, and they walk off together while Felix remains with me.
“You’re not going with them?” I ask him.
“No,” he retorts, hovering behind me like a goddamn ghost. “Someone’s gotta keep tabs.”
I frown. “Tabs?” Wow, offensive. “I’m not a fucking toddler.”
His brow rises. “I don’t care what you think.”
My eyes narrow as I lean in. “I don’t need to be watched.”
He leans in too now, getting eye to eye. “Did you forget about the Phantoms? Kai’s still out there. You’ve got a target on your back now. I’m watching.”
I grit my teeth. “Fine.” I point my finger at his chest. “But I don’t want to hear you insult any of my friends, got it?”
He grabs my finger and gently brings it to his lips, sucking on the tip. “Command me some more. I might grow to like it.”
I heat like a kettle about to whistle. “Oh my God.” I rip my finger away before I blush, and I turn around, determined to ignore him.
“Seems you two have got some marital problems,” Kayla jests.
“He’d wish he could put a ring on this finger,” I retort.
“C’mon, the others are waiting,” Crystal says.
Felix grumbles behind me, so I throw him a glance, but he doesn’t open his mouth. Good. I don’t want him to ruin the one good thing I’ve got going for me.