Page 162 of Sick Boys
“Well, it’s not entirely burned down,” Dylan says, shrugging. “Just the ground floor.”
My father pulls off his glasses and rubs his nose and eyes. “Semantics will do you no good.”
“Caruso was threatening her,” I say, folding my arms.
“All I’m hearing is allegations with no proof. Where is he?”
“Dead,” Alistair responds with a weird grin attached. “Down in the ditch below The Edge.”
My father’s face turns white as snow as he lowers his hand. “What the hell happened?”
“He tried to kill us all,” I say. “It was self-defense.”
His eyes narrow as he focuses on me. “Are you telling me you killed him?”
Dylan shrugs. “Well, technically, Nessie did, but—”
“Nessie?” my father interjects.
“Our snake,” I respond.
Lana snorts. “This is ridiculous.”
“It’s true,” Ali replies.
“Where is your proof?” my father asks. “Unless you can deliver substantial proof, I’m going to have to let Officer King arrest all of you.”
“What?!” Lana gasps. “But I didn’t even do anything, I wasn’t fucking there!”
Dylan swiftly fishes his phone from his pocket and clicks on some things, then turns up the volume. “I taped everything my father said.”
When he plays the clip, his father’s wretched voice spells out every part of his diabolical plans. A conversation between him and Dylan after he tried to take him in his car. But Dylan’s a smart guy. He knew not to trust his dad.
The moment the clip ends I breathe a sigh of relief. Damn, even though I’m glad Dylan made sure to record that convo, I do not like listening to that asshole’s voice.
“There’s your proof,” Dylan says, holding out the phone.
My father takes it and replays the clip again.
“Well, I guess you’re not as dumb as you look,” Lana muses.
“Wow,” Dylan retorts. “I bet you’re just angry Felix won’t let you jump on this piece of wood.” He makes some lewd gestures at his dick.
Which really, really makes it hard for me not to pummel him in the face and balls.
God knows he likes to fucking test our friendship.
“Keep it in your fucking pants,” I growl back.
Lana laughs. “No thanks, I don’t take other people’s trash.”
“Wow,” Alistair says. “Well, I guess one man’s trash is another man’s treasure.” And he winks at Dylan.
“Lana, enough,” my father growls at her, and she immediately shuts her mouth and averts her eyes, but not before rolling them into oblivion, getting me to seethe with rage.
My father blows out a sigh and turns toward the window, gazing at the scene outside.
“So … turns out Caruso was nothing but a low criminal.” He sighs again. “Can’t say I’m surprised. Out of all the board members, he was always the most … difficult one to deal with.” He turns around again. “His death was … unfortunate. But inescapable, it seems.”
“Are you going to arrest us?” Dylan asks.
“For the death of your father?” my father replies, and Dylan swallows. “No.”
There’s almost a collective sigh of relief.
“Considering his actions, the matter will be taken care of privately.”
“You mean you’ll sweep it under the rug,” Lana says.
“However, I will keep you all responsible for the incredible mess at the Skull & Serpent Society house.”
“Aw …” Dylan groans.
“What about the school?” Ali asks.
“It’ll require a ton of renovations,” my father explains. “Which will not be cheap.”
“It’s okay. I’m sure we can work something out,” Penelope says, folding her arms.
“I’m sure we can, Miss Ricci.” He smiles at her. “I know your father. I’m sure he’d be happy to foot the bill to maintain … order.”
Order. Or in other words, to prevent a massive Mafia war from breaking out between all the families.
“What about us. Are we expelled?” I ask bluntly.
My father clears his throat. “No.”
There’s a collective sigh of relief in the room.
“So who’s gonna run the show now that Caruso is dead?” Lana asks nonchalantly.
“I will,” her father replies, and she almost falls off her chair.
“Don’t act so surprised,” he responds. “It’s about time someone actually started managing this place properly.” He eyes us all down. “Be happy I’m allowing you all to stay and fix your mess after all the shit you caused.”
“Will she be allowed to stay too?” Ali asks, looking at Pen.
There’s a knock on the door and my father averts his gaze. “Come in.”
Two fuckers, one with a gnarly scar covering his eye, and the other with a missing finger, walk inside.
So I do the only thing I can think of and pull out my fucking knife, ready to take the remaining fingers and eye.
“What the—” Penelope mutters, eyes widened the moment she sees Kai and Nathan in the door opening.
“You two had better get the fuck out fast before I slice off another finger and eye,” I growl at them.
I didn’t think they would have the balls to show up here, but apparently they’re happy to lose those too.
Nathan pulls out his own knife. “What the fuck are you doing here?”