Page 20 of Toe the Line
Jesus. That was a bit much.
Noelle’s eyes glistened. “I’m really glad you feel like you can trust me.” She chewed her lip and caught a look at the time. “Shit. I’d better go. I’m meeting him there. I’m already late.”
I reluctantly hopped off the bed. “Have fun, grease monkey.”
She flashed me a smile before disappearing down the stairs.
Rather than go to my room, I returned to Noelle’s bed and stared up at the ceiling, wondering why I felt so damn out of sorts.
• • •
At least I didn’t have to worry about her with James. He wouldn’t hurt a fly. This situation could have been a lot worse. She could’ve been messing around with that Xavier douche. So, this was a good thing, I told myself.
That said, I couldn’t seem to stop looking over at Noelle and James after they came back from their dinner and joined everyone else on the beach. They were across from me, so I couldn’t hear what they were talking about. I attempted to read lips, but that wasn’t working either. I finally made my way over to them and played nice. “How was dinner?”
“It was delicious,” Noelle said. “And miraculously, I don’t have grease pouring out of me.”
“Grease?” James looked confused. “What?”
“Never mind.” She laughed.
“You two make a cute couple,” Bree said, clinging to my arm.
Jesus, I hadn’t even noticed that she’d followed me over here.
James smiled, and even in the darkness, I could see Noelle blush.
Noelle didn’t strike me as someone very experienced in the dating arena. I often wondered how experienced—or inexperienced—she really was. I also wondered about myself and why I seemed fixated on Noelle and her date with James. Did I feel protective of her, or was it something more? I couldn’t quite figure it out. But she’d been on my mind all night.
“We should go to the rocks,” Bree suggested.
I stayed silent as James looked over at Noelle. “Want to?”
“What’s that?” Noelle asked.
“It’s this rocky area that’s kind of hidden where people go for privacy,” he explained.
She shrugged. “Sure.”
I gritted my teeth. Fuck.
There was only one reason you went to the rocks, and that was to hide behind them to make out or have sex. Bree and I had been there together countless times. It used to be exciting, but I was just biding my time with her this summer. She seemed to only want the same thing—a fuck buddy—but that was getting old. There wasn’t any mental stimulation or deep conversation. I’d never needed those things in the past, but they seemed to matter lately.
After we made our way down to the rocks, I found myself distracted by the fact that James and Noelle had disappeared. As Bree and I situated ourselves in our own hiding place, she noticed my inability to…focus.
“What’s wrong?” she asked, stopping our kiss.
“Nothing,” I said, pulling her close and kissing her harder so she didn’t see the look on my face. Also, now I could look behind her in peace to see if I could spot Noelle and James.
She started to pull down her pants, but I stopped her.
“Not tonight, okay?”
A look of shock crossed her face. “Why not?”
“I don’t have a condom,” I lied.
I couldn’t exactly say I wasn’t sure I could get it up. The only time I ever had trouble in that department was when something was upsetting me.
“It’s okay. I’m on the pill,” she said.
“I don’t go bareback. Sorry.”
Bree looked as if I’d just told her that her cat died. “I can run home and get something.”
“Actually, I just want to chill tonight. I’ve got some things on my mind.”
Bree pouted. “Is everything okay?”
“Yeah. Nothing terrible. Just some…stuff going on at home.”
She brushed her hand along my cheek. “You can talk to me, you know.”
It didn’t feel natural opening up to Bree like it had with Noelle. Then again, the issue right now was Noelle, if I was being honest.
“Do you mind if we just take a walk?” I asked.
She shrugged. “Sure.”
After a few minutes of wandering through the rocky area, I finally spotted Noelle and James. They were talking and laughing. I let out a sigh of relief. That seemed innocent enough. I had no idea if they’d been messing around before, and it wasn’t any of my business, I supposed.
When Noelle spotted me, she stood up. “Oh, hey. I was gonna head back to the house.”
James looked bummed. “Already?”
“Yeah.” She turned to me and winked. “Some of us have to get up and run in the morning.”
“I should walk you back,” I said.
“No.” She shook her head. “James is going to.”
My chest tightened. “Oh. Okay.” Grinding my teeth, I looked over at him. “Thanks.”
“No problem. I’ve got her.” He smiled over at Noelle.
He’s got her. Perfect. I swallowed what felt like bile in my throat.
ARCHIE SEEMED ESPECIALLY quiet during our run this morning. Sure, we’d agreed not to talk while we were actually jogging, but he didn’t say anything when he came out to meet me, either. He just started running, and I followed.