Page 65 of Toe the Line
I squeezed her hand. “This is what you want, right?”
“Yes,” she answered immediately.
“There’s no part of me that regrets my decision, Noelle. I want you to know that. And I also want you to know how excited I am.”
“Yeah.” I smiled.
“I think I needed to hear you say that.”
“I know.”
She smiled—and it reached her eyes.
I squeezed her hand again before letting go. “Let’s do this,” I said, leading the way through the revolving door.
There was a short wait after check-in, and then we were brought into one of the examination rooms. A nurse explained the rules surrounding my deposit duty. They’d take some time to wash the sperm sample and process it after we left, and we’d return a couple of hours later for Noelle’s IUI procedure.
“So, just so you know…” the nurse said. “She’s allowed to go in the room with you, but there’s no contact permitted due to contamination concerns.”
I looked over at Noelle and smirked. “Damn. I was counting on that.”
She blushed. I might have been joking, but my imagination had been running wild with thoughts of Noelle deciding to do this the natural way or assisting me in that room. I’d get hard just thinking about it, though I knew it was a fantasy.
“I won’t be going in. We’re not together,” Noelle told the nurse. “We’re friends.”
Story of our lives.
“Oh, I see.” The nurse smiled. “How nice. Okay.”
She handed me a cup and led me into the room where I was left alone to do the deed.
There were some magazines laid out, along with an old TV/DVD player combo—they still made those?—and some movies. It skeeved me out to think about touching the “accessories,” though. There had to be some dried-up spunk residue on them. Loads of it. I also had my phone and could’ve chosen any flavor of porn I wanted.
A white towel hung off the arm of a vinyl chair. But I chose to stand, since that provided a better angle into the cup. I lowered my jeans and took a deep breath as I began to jerk myself off. Closing my eyes, I bent my head back and allowed my mind to go there—to that place it always wanted to lately. To Noelle. And I needed nothing but my imagination. I envisioned her on her knees, looking up at me with her beautiful, wide eyes, so eager as she took my cock in her mouth. This was what I remembered from years ago in the shower—except the woman in my fantasy now was present-day Noelle. Even curvier, even more beautiful than the girl I once knew.
I remembered exactly what her plump lips felt like wrapped around my shaft, the wetness of her tongue, the way she’d breathe when she took me down her throat. I remembered it all like yesterday. In under a minute, I came fast and hard, filling the cup.
After I found my bearings and closed the lid, I opened the door and went in search of the nurse.
“Speedy Gonzalez,” she joked.
“That’s me.” I shrugged.
“You can go on out to the waiting room, or you guys can grab coffee or something and come back in about ninety minutes. It will take at least that long to process your sample. Just don’t go too far.”
I thanked her and went back out to the waiting room, where I found Noelle reading a magazine. She looked up and spotted me approaching. I flashed her a big, cheesy grin and two thumbs up. She started laughing. A couple of women sitting around her also cracked up. They knew the deal.
“She said we could leave and come back in an hour and a half.”
We ended up getting food at a place around the corner. Neither of us had eaten much this morning with all of the anticipation, so it was good to have something in our stomachs. We probably looked like two people having an ordinary meal together. Little did the folks in that brunch joint know we were killing time in the middle of one of the most monumental days of our lives.
When we returned to the doctor’s office, they took Noelle right in for her procedure. It killed me to have to stay behind, but she hadn’t invited me in, and I had to respect that. It would’ve been a little awkward, I suppose, to admit that I’d been looking forward to seeing my cum inserted into her vagina.
I sat there, looking up blankly at the television, but I could only think about Noelle, how I should’ve been in there holding her hand.
It wasn’t too long before the nurse came out to the waiting room. “The procedure is done, but she has to lie down for about ten minutes before she can leave. Noelle would like you to wait with her.”
I hopped up from my seat and followed the nurse into the room.