Page 70 of Toe the Line
“I have to finish writing a script that’s due by the end of the week. Ironically, it’s a story on quintuplets.”
“Of course.” I sighed. “I wish I had the night off to hang out with you, even if you were working. I could’ve made you dinner.” Then I got a bright idea. “Would you want to do your work at the restaurant tonight? I could set you up in a corner with WiFi.”
She rubbed her arms. “I’m okay being alone, Archie.”
“Maybe I’m not.” I grinned.
She smiled. “If you want me to come to the restaurant, I will.” She tugged on my shirt. “But you have to make me that artichoke appetizer you told me about.”
“You got it.”
After stopping at the house to pick up her laptop, we drove straight to Fontaine’s.
Once I got her settled at a table, I granted her wish for maple-glazed artichokes.
I set the plate before her with a smile and promised to come back with another appetizer shortly. It made me feel good to offer her a distraction tonight. She had to feel as let down as I did.
The second appetizer I brought out was calamari, followed by an entrée of eggplant parmesan. Whenever I had a free moment, I’d peek out from the kitchen to watch Noelle enjoying the food I’d prepared.
When I finally brought her a piece of chocolate cake, her eyes widened.
She wiped the corner of her mouth. “Are you trying to kill me?”
I sat across from her and leaned my arms against the table. “No, I’m just trying to make you happy, and the only way I know how to do that is with food.”
She took a bite. “That’s not true. There are many ways you make me happy.” She smiled. “This reminds me of the last time I ate chocolate cake with you.”
“That was a hot mess express, wasn’t it? I still have the drawing of you from that night.”
“Thank you for this,” she said with her mouth full. “It did help not to be alone today, and all the special attention was very sweet.”
“It’s the least I could do.” I leaned my head into my hands. “Can I be honest, though?”
“I feel like the result was somehow my fault.”
Noelle shook her head. “You heard what the doctor said. The best chance we had was twenty percent. That’s not very much. Besides, if either one of us failed, it was me, Archie.”
I looked up into her eyes. “Why do you say that?”
“Because your sperm was tested, and it came out perfectly viable. I’m the one with the issue.”
Inwardly, I cringed. It was dumb of me to blame myself because that only prompted her to do the same.
“You know what? It doesn’t matter. It’s going to happen. I mean, let’s face it, if it’d happened on the first shot, I would’ve been shocked.”
“I agree.” She nodded. “I was hopeful, but not optimistic.”
I had to get back to the kitchen, but when my shift finally ended about an hour later, I brought over two espressos and joined her again at the table. We sat talking until they had to lock the doors.
I drove her home, and we lingered in the car once I parked in the driveway.
“You know what I wish?” I said, looking at the house.
“That my mother were here and could understand what we’re doing. I think it would make her so happy. She always loved you.”
Noelle reached for my hand and offered a sympathetic smile. “That would’ve been really cool.”
“I mean, I talk to her a lot. I’ve told her everything. Hopefully she can hear me, wherever she is.”
“Yeah,” she whispered.
“I know we agreed not to tell anyone,” I said. “But have you considered telling your parents what’s going on?”
She shook her head. “I’m not sure they would be receptive to any of this. I’ll only tell them after the fact, if it happens.”
“That surprises me. I always thought your parents were supportive no matter what.”
“They are in some ways, but they have very traditional values when it comes to this kind of thing. I didn’t want their take on the situation. I love them, but sometimes you have to block certain opinions out when something matters to you.”
“Pretty sure they’re gonna freak when they find out I’m the dad.”
“I don’t know. I just imagine them being pissed at me or something.” I chuckled.
“They won’t be any more pissed at you than any other person I could’ve chosen. I think they’ll just wish I’d waited for the right man.”
That felt like a punch to the gut, even if it made sense. “Well, I certainly hope they’re not disappointed when they find out, because it is going to happen, Noelle. I promise it will.”
I instantly regretted making a promise I might not be able to keep, but part of my job was to remain optimistic for her.