Page 85 of Toe the Line
Archie: Where are you?
The three dots moved around as she typed.
Noelle: Out front. I just needed some air.
Air? What the fuck?
Archie: Are you okay?
Noelle: I’m actually not feeling great. Calling an Uber to go back to the house.
Archie: I’ll drive you.
Noelle: No. You can’t leave work. I’ve already called the car. Don’t worry about me.
Something wasn’t right. Maybe she didn’t feel well, but she’d seemed great all night, including just a little while ago.
I told the sous chef to cover for me and went outside, but it was too late. Noelle was already gone. With the restaurant super-packed tonight, I sucked up the feeling of discomfort growing in my chest and once again returned to work.
A few minutes later, someone I hadn’t been expecting waltzed into the kitchen. Her heels clicked as she came toward me. What the hell is she doing here?
Andrea fluffed her long, black hair. “Long time no see,” she said in her British accent.
The last time I’d seen her she was beneath me in her hotel-room bed.
I cleared my throat. “How are you?”
“Good.” She beamed. “You?”
“What brings you here?”
“I’ve got some business meetings. Figured I’d check in on my investment. Maybe have a little Prosecco and short ribs while I was at it.” Her eyes fell to my lips. “And maybe a nightcap, if you’re interested. I’ve thought about you a lot since my last trip out here, Archie.”
Those words went right through me because all I could think about was Noelle. “I appreciate that. But I’m sorry. I’m not going to be able to do that anymore.”
“Because of the girl I met?”
My stomach sank.
“I met a friend of yours in the restroom. We were chatting. I introduced myself and told her I was here to visit the handsome chef. She said she was a friend of yours.”
Fuck. At least Noelle’s change in behavior finally made sense.
• • •
My shift couldn’t have ended fast enough. After I let Andrea down easy a second time and got the hell out of the restaurant, I drove past the speed limit to Noelle’s.
But when I got there, Roz answered the door.
Out of breath, I said, “I need to talk to Noelle.”
“She’s not here.”
“What?” I entered the house and looked around. “Where is she? It’s late.”
“Her ex, Jason, came into town. He wanted to speak to her privately and asked if she’d take a ride with him.”
My heart pounded. “Are you kidding?” This night could not get any worse.
“I’m sorry. I’m not even sure she would’ve wanted me to tell you that.”
“What the hell does he want?” I spewed.
“You can’t take a wild guess?” Roz quipped.
I raked a hand through my hair. “Roz… I don’t know what to do.”
“Come sit.” She led me into the kitchen. “Talk to me, Archie boy.”
Taking a seat, I put my head in my hands. “We were having a nice evening. Noelle had come to the restaurant to work on her laptop during my shift. Then a woman Noelle knew I had a sexual history with showed up. Apparently, they spoke, and Noelle must’ve gotten upset and decided to leave.” I rubbed my temples. “This woman means absolutely nothing to me, Roz. It was just a quick fling from the past. I raced over here to talk to Noelle and…” Something dawned on me.
Did Noelle leave because of Andrea, or because she found out Jason was in town?
I looked up at her. “What happened when she got home?”
“She seemed tired. She didn’t really have much of a chance to tell me anything before the doorbell rang. She looked shocked to see Jason. He said hello to me and asked her if they could go somewhere to talk. He didn’t give her much of a choice since he’d come all this way. What was she supposed to do?”
My voice shook. “I don’t want her feeling stressed right now.”
“I think the biggest thing stressing her out is you, Archie. Have you given her any assurances lately? Any indication of your feelings? And I don’t mean with your dick, baby daddy.”
Her words hit me like a slap. She’s fucking right.
“What’s going on in that head of yours, Archie?”
It took a moment to gather my thoughts. Only one thing had ever caused me to hold my feelings back when it came to Noelle. “I’m scared, Roz. Besides you, Noelle is the only family I have.”
“You’re boinking the only family you have? Sounds scandalous.” She chuckled. “Look, your mother would want me to give you frank advice, so I’m going to.” She pointed toward the door. “That man came back for her today. I don’t know what he’s saying to her right now or what she’s thinking, but the look in his eyes told me everything I need to know. It was determination. He’s realized what he lost, and he came back for her.” She crossed her arms and leaned back in her seat. “We’re not given an infinite amount of time to figure things out. Sometimes we need to shit or get off the pot. And those who do it last…lose.”