Page 21 of Private Beijing
“Justine, are you okay?” he asked.
“Of course,” she replied, suddenly on edge. “Why wouldn’t I be? What’s going on?”
She could hear sirens and the noise of multiple vehicles in the background at his end. Where was he? What had happened?
“There’s been an explosion at Private Beijing. Zhang Daiyu was injured earlier today. One of the men who attacked us planted high explosives in the office. It’s gone, it’s all gone.”
Jack sounded agitated and distressed. She suddenly felt sick with worry.
“Are you OK? Where are you now?”
“I was at the office when the bombs were planted—I tried to capture the attacker. I was there checking Zhang Daiyu’s background—I thought someone might be targeting her for some reason—but it’s clear now they’re out to get Private. I want you to alert all our offices around the world. Ask them to sweep the buildings.”
“Okay, I will,” Justine replied. “Are you sure you’re alright? You weren’t injured?”
“Nothing major. Don’t worry about me. We need to stay focused.” He sounded almost frantic. “After what happened to our surveillance team, it would be fair to assume the New York office might be the next target.”
“I agree,” Justine replied. “I’ll get the building searched immediately and put out an alert to all our other offices.”
She went through the lobby doors into the office and hurried toward the computer lab.
“What’s your next move?” she asked.
“I’m on my way back to Zhang Daiyu. I left her somewhere safe. I’ll lay low until she’s back on her feet.”
“Jack, please be careful.”
“Of course, but I should tell you—something weird is going on. The guy who attacked us earlier had a clear shot on me and didn’t take it. And when I showed up at the office, he was shocked but waited until I had left the building before he detonated the bombs. I don’t think these people want me dead, though I can’t figure out why.”
“Well, that’s something, at least,” Justine said as she entered the computer lab. “I still want you to be careful though.”
“I will be,” he replied. “Get the offices swept ASAP.”
“I’m on it. Love you.”
“Love you too,” he echoed before hanging up.
Sci and Mo-bot were seated by one of the terminals. There were five tech specialists dotted around the room, all of whom had their headphones on and were rapt in concentration.
“What’s up?” Mo-bot asked as Justine approached. “You look like someone dumped the weight of the world on your shoulders.”
“Private Beijing was just blown up. Jack wants us to notify all offices and have them searched,” Justine revealed.
“You’re kidding,” Sci remarked. “Is he okay?”
Justine nodded. “He’s fine, but he thinks this could all be part of a coordinated attack on the organization.”
“It’s looking increasingly likely,” Sci observed.
“I’m messaging every head of country now,” Mo-bot said, typing on her computer.
“I guess we better evacuate,” Sci said, getting to his feet. “Everyone out,” he yelled at the tech specialists. “Someone pull the fire alarm.”
Justine followed him out, silently praying Jack’s suspicions were wrong.
JUSTINE, MO-BOT, AND Sci conferred in Madison Square Park across the street from the Private building. Sci and Mo-bot were talking about the investigation and what they would do next, but Justine wasn’t really following their conversation, too distracted by what had happened. They’d evacuated the office and notified the other businesses in the three floors immediately below their top-floor premises, who’d also taken the decision to ask their staff to vacate the building. So far over two hundred people had congregated in small groups around them, all trying to avoid the punishing July sunshine by crowding together under the shade of some overhanging trees.