Page 35 of Private Beijing
“What should I tell the police?” Molly asked.
“The truth,” I replied. “Tell them we saved you and your family. It might do us some favors.”
Zhang Daiyu started running and I followed her.
Within moments we were back in the Private surveillance van, heading away from what was certain to become a very busy crime scene.
JUSTINE AND SCI were in the tech lab at Private New York, watching Mo-bot analyze a data set she’d pulled from the cell mast near the house where Billy Bostic and his brother had been found. Rafael had heard about the murders on the local news and had joined them.
Justine had always thought the handsome Spaniard something of a good-time socialite, but the attack on Jessie and Lewis, the discovery of explosives at Private, and now this double homicide had brought out a different side to him. He leant against the desk, dark and brooding, smartly dressed as ever in a three-piece suit. His initial shock and grief had given way to somber resolve, and this was reflected in his switch back to more formal attire.
Justine’s phone rang and she was relieved to see it was Jack calling.
“Hey,” she said. “How are you?”
“Okay,” he replied. “You?”
“Same. We think we found the guy who sourced the detonators for the bombs in the New York office.”
“He talking?” Jack asked.
“Not really. He’s dead. His brother too. Looks like a professional hit.”
Jack exhaled sharply.
“Mo-bot is working on something to try and track the killer.”
“We ran into more heat here,” Jack revealed. “Someone just tried to kill one of our clients. Molly Tan. She hired us to check out David Zhou. Turns out someone blackmailed her into engaging Private. The whole case was a set-up.”
“Are you serious?” Justine exclaimed.
“Deadly. Zhang Daiyu recognized one of the men from her time with Beijing PD. His name was Wang Yichen—”
Justine cut him off. “Was?”
“He’s dead now,” Jack replied. “Zhang Daiyu told me he was a low-level enforcer. Street muscle for an underworld kingpin called Liu Bao.”
“You want us to dig into this guy? See what we can find?” Justine asked.
“Yeah. The team here is on it, but let’s see if there is any international intel on Liu,” Jack replied. “I’m also going to send you photos of a tattoo. Two dragons wrapped around a larger one. The guy who shot at Zhang Daiyu and me, and planted the bombs in the Beijing office, had one, and so did the two men who attacked Molly Tan and her family. ZhangDaiyu doesn’t recognize it, so we’ve got the team here looking into it …”
“… And you want us to see if it’s showed up in any FBI or Interpol reports,” Justine finished his sentence.
“Exactly,” he replied.
“We’ll get on it as soon as I have the photos,” she assured him.
“So we’ve got Private being targeted on two continents by assailants with similar MOs. I wonder if the similarities extend to the way they set us up?”
“You think maybe the client who engaged us to investigate Ivor Yeadon was also coerced?” Justine asked, referring to the Wall Street financier Jessie and Lewis had been surveilling.
“Maybe,” Jack responded. “It’s worth checking out.”
“Will do,” Justine said. “You be careful, Jack. Anyone who’s prepared to kill a family—”
“Won’t think twice about a war dog like me,” he interrupted. “I’ll be careful. You too.”