Page 38 of Private Beijing
No, he couldn’t be involved in this, could he? Why? How?
She took out her phone and dialed, her hands trembling, already fearing the worst.
If Rafael was part of whatever was going on, Sci and Mo-bot were heading into a trap.
THE PHONE MO-BOT had traced was located in a building on 60th Street near Eighth Avenue, in the heart of Brooklyn’s bustling Chinatown district. Trucks lined the sidewalks delivering catering packs of food and crates of beverages to the restaurants and supermarkets that jostled for space in the vibrant neighborhood. People crowded the sidewalks, testing the fruit and vegetables on display or vying for outside seating at the restaurants.
Sci steered the Private pool vehicle along the crowded street, taking in the hustle and bustle, trying to ignore the enticing scents that were invading the Nissan Rogue’s ice-cold air-conditioning system. Dinner would have to wait. They had a job to do.
He glanced over at Mo-bot, studying her laptop. Rafael was in the back and Sci caught his eye for a moment before the Spaniard turned his attention to his cell phone. He seemed onedge, no doubt nervous about what they might face when they encountered the owner of the phone.
“It’s that one,” Mo-bot said, pointing to a block of apartments above a restaurant. The block was 1980s redbrick with large curved bay windows in white steel frames. It would have looked Art Deco were it not for the giant green-and-gold letters that dominated the side of the building. They left no one in any doubt that the restaurant was called the Golden Lotus.
“There are a bunch of short-term rentals in the building,” Rafael said, consulting his phone. “They’re listed on Airbnb and a few other sites.”
“Fits the bill,” Sci remarked. “Out-of-town gun for hire. This is a busy neighborhood. People won’t notice someone new coming and going.”
Sci steered around a delivery truck and turned right into an alleyway that ran alongside the Golden Lotus. They could see inside the restaurant through the large bay windows. The interior was also decorated in green and gold and was packed with diners. Servers deftly navigated their way around the tables carrying platefuls of food.
Sci pulled into a small parking lot behind the restaurant and they all took a moment to study the building.
“Do you know which apartment?” he asked.
Mo-bot shook her head. “But I do have a way of finding out.”
She opened a small flight case she had brought with her and produced a tablet computer that looked little larger than a normal phone.
“This device will home in on the target phone’s Bluetoothsignature when we get within range. We walk the building and we’ll find him.”
“Shall I wait out here?” Rafael asked. “Keep a look out for anyone entering after you?”
“That makes sense,” Sci agreed. It was fair enough if Rafael didn’t have the stomach for walking into the unknown, he wasn’t even meant to be in the field. “Call me if you see anything suspicious.”
Rafael nodded and Sci and Mo-bot got out. Mo-bot switched on the Bluetooth tracker as they hurried across the street. The sweet–savory smells from the restaurant were strong now, and Sci’s stomach started growling at him. Some people say heat kills the appetite, but he had always found it stimulated his and this summer evening was sending it into overdrive.
They found the entrance to the apartment block next to the Golden Lotus’s staff door, and Sci used his lock-picking tools to get them inside. A small lobby lined with mailboxes led to a set of stairs. A tiny box elevator stood to one side, but neither of them moved toward it.
“Stairs?” Sci asked. He had no desire to be trapped inside a metal coffin in enemy territory.
Mo-bot nodded and they started up the steep staircase.
The interior was a mix of redbrick and white plaster turned dirty gray by time. The smell from the restaurant filled every nook. In his current frame of mind, Sci would have found living in this block complete torture.
They reached the second floor and walked along a corridor that ran through the center of the building. Mo-bot checkedher device every step of the way and shook her head when they reached the end. They retraced their steps and climbed to the next floor.
They had made it to the second apartment on the third floor when Mo-bot raised her hand.
“I think it’s this one,” she whispered.
Sci’s phone vibrated in his pocket. He pulled it out, expecting to see Rafael’s name, but was surprised to see Justine’s.
“I can’t talk right now,” he whispered, turning away from the door so he wouldn’t alert whoever was inside.
“You don’t need to talk,” she replied urgently. “Just listen. I think Rafael might be involved in this. If he is—”