Page 53 of Private Beijing
“Can you trace the destination?” Sci asked.
Mo-bot nodded. “Call Salazar and tell him we can give him a real location.”
Sci stepped away to make the phone call, while Mo-bot adjusted the settings on her app.
“He’s close,” she said.
She was now alive with the thrill of the chase and her energy was contagious. Justine had almost forgotten the disappointment of earlier.
“He’s four streets away,” Mo-bot said. “Looks like a house in a residential neighborhood.”
Sci returned and was less than enthusiastic.
“Salazar says he’s not going on another snipe hunt.”
“What?” Mo-bot asked. “I’ve got the guy this time.”
“I think he’s caught heat from the higher-ups for ordering a mass deployment without verifying the intel,” Sci replied. “He says we should get proof it’s Angel.”
“So we’re on our own?” Justine asked.
“Yeah,” Sci said. “We’re on our own.”
JUSTINE RAN BACK to the Nissan Rogue with Sci and Mo-bot trailing her.
“Give me the keys,” she yelled, and Sci tossed them over.
She jumped behind the wheel and started the engine, while Sci and Mo-bot, older and less fit, got in the car, panting for breath.
Justine put the Nissan in gear and shot out of the parking lot.
“Stay on this road,” Mo-bot said from the back seat. It curved out of the industrial estate.
“Next left,” Mo-bot said.
Justine swung the wheel and took a narrow left turn that led them out of the industrial estate into a rundown residential neighborhood. Two-story aluminum homes lined the street, standing behind rows of rusty pick-up trucks and old cars.
“Next right,” Mo-bot said.
Justine slowed as they approached the mouth of another residential street. When she turned the wheel and cleared the house on the corner, she saw a face she recognized: Angel, sitting behind the wheel of a utility vehicle that was reversing down the driveway of a dilapidated bungalow.
“There he is,” Justine said. “Put your seat belts on.”
Sci was already clipped in, but Mo-bot hurriedly snapped her buckle in its anchor.
“Hold on,” Justine said.
“Don’t do anything crazy,” Sci responded.
“Too late for that,” she countered, accelerating toward the cab of the target vehicle.
Angel saw them at the last moment and reached down to grab something—probably a weapon—but he wasn’t fast enough. The Rogue hit the black Chevrolet Express just by the driver’s door. The impact sent the vehicle spinning into the road.
The airbags in both people carrier and utility deployed. While Justine’s deflated she composed herself.
“Everyone okay?” she asked. Sci and Mo-bot nodded tentatively.