Page 57 of Private Beijing
“The psychopath rarely feels fear,” Justine remarked, “buthe does experience humiliation. Is this bravado because you’ve just been humiliated? If so, you’re only humiliating yourself further. I’ve been threatened by men who make you look like the Tooth Fairy. You’re not scaring anyone here, so you might as well shut up.”
Angel seethed but fell silent.
Justine’s phone rang and she saw Mo-bot’s name flash on-screen.
“Mo,” she said.
“Justine, thank goodness you’re okay. Where are you?”
“On our way back to the bungalow. You still there?”
“Yeah,” Mo-bot replied. “Your way back?”
“I’m with a certain NYPD detective and we’re bringing you a gift. We’ll see you soon.”
ANGEL FELL SILENT for the remainder of the short journey back to the bungalow where they’d found him.
Sci and Mo-bot had pushed both damaged vehicles, the Nissan Rogue Private staff vehicle and Angel’s utility, into the driveway. Salazar parked his Dodge Charger beside them. He grabbed the handcuffed Angel and manhandled him into the building where they found Sci and Mo-bot waiting with Alison. Justine could have kicked herself for not warning Mo-bot to make sure Alison was kept away from Angel. She could see the trauma writ large on the woman’s face.
“What’s he doing here?” she asked. “Get him away from me. Get him away!”
“Alison, I’m sorry. It was thoughtless,” Justine said, going to the distressed woman.
Her hair was lank, face dirty, dress crumpled from days of wear.
“Come with me. Let’s get you out of here.” Justine put her arm around Alison and ushered her toward the bedrooms.
“You are all dead people,” Angel said.
Justine didn’t see the blow but she heard it. When she turned around she saw Salazar stepping back and Angel hunched over, cradling his jaw.
“Ignore him,” Justine told Alison. “He’s overcompensating. He won’t be in any position to hurt anyone.”
Alison nodded. She was a beautiful woman with delicate features, but looked tired and drawn, which was hardly surprising given her ordeal.
Justine took her along a short corridor that led away from the living room. She stayed clear of the door that had an open padlock on it, and when she saw Alison’s reaction was glad she had.
“That’s where he kept me,” the other woman said, as tears filled her eyes.
“It’s okay. He can’t hurt you anymore,” Justine assured her, leading her into a small bedroom that was completely empty.
“Where’s Rafael?” Alison asked, the moment Justine shut the door.
How could she answer without crushing Alison’s spirit?
“That’s the same look Maureen and Seymour gave me,” she remarked. “They wouldn’t say anything about him. What’s going on? Is Rafael dead?”
“No,” Justine replied, and Alison sagged with relief. “He made a bad decision. Angel used you to blackmail him into betraying his colleagues.”
“No.” Alison tensed again, her face drawn. “No. He wouldn’t do that. No. Not even for me.”
“I’m afraid people were hurt, killed, because of his actions,” Justine said, putting a hand on Alison’s shoulder.
“No!” she yelled, brushing the hand away. “He’s a good man. He wouldn’t help that monster.”
“He thought it was the only way to get you back.”