Page 77 of Private Beijing
Following our reunion, we used Huang Hua’s van, another LDV 9, to drive Shang Li to his apartment in Mingguang Village, a beautiful modern neighborhood with green spaces and playgrounds between the tastefully designed apartment blocks.
Su Yun was waiting on the street when we pulled up in front of their building, and Li almost tumbled out of the van into her arms.
Hua, Zhang Daiyu, and I got out and stood a respectful distance away while husband and wife kissed and hugged. Mai and Han emerged from the apartment building and flew down the path to join their mother and father in joyful reunion.
A lump formed in my throat as I watched their pure unadulterated happiness pour out. It was impossible not to be moved and I saw Hua and Zhang Daiyu crying tears of joy.
“Mr. Morgan,” Su Yun said to me as she stepped away from her husband and children. “I knew you would restore my heart to me. You have brought us happier times.” She took both my hands. “Thank you.”
This was a win. One of the good moments that makes all the hardship worthwhile.
“You’re welcome, Su Yun, but I didn’t do it alone.”
“Thank you all,” she said to Zhang Daiyu and Hua. “You brought my husband home.”
“Thank you,” Li added. “I owe you everything.”
“You owe us nothing,” I replied. “You take time with your family and rest.” I turned to Hua and Zhang Daiyu. “We’ve got work to do.”
“I should help,” Li said. “I want to get the people who did this.”
He stepped toward me, but Su Yun put her hand on his arm and looked at me with grave concern. I recognized the look because I’d seen it on Justine’s face from time to time. She had almost lost him and wasn’t prepared to go through that again. At least not yet.
“You’re exhausted,” I said to my friend. “You’ve been through a mental and physical ordeal. Stay with your family. Trust us. We’ll finish this.”
Shang Li nodded and Su Yun smiled at me gratefully.
I watched her lead her husband and children toward their building.
“What now?” Hua asked.
I looked at Zhang Daiyu, who already knew what I was going to say.
“We need an address,” she remarked. “We need to know where to find Fang Wenyan.”
I nodded and she stepped away to make a call. Detective Chen did us a huge favor. He ordered his men to keep quiet about Liu Bao’s arrest and said he would book him under a false name when he took him in for processing. It was as much for Chen’s benefit as ours, because he needed time to gain his superiors’ support, to ensure Liu was not immediately released once powerful allies began to apply pressure on his behalf, but we appreciated the favor nonetheless. We had work to do, work that involved Liu’s co-conspirators believing he was still in play.
I moved a few paces clear of the others and took out my phone. I needed to speak to Justine. Not just for professional reasons. I wanted to hear her voice. After what I had just witnessed with Shang Li and his family, I wanted to hear from mine. Justine answered after two rings.
“Jack, are you okay?”
“Yes. We rescued Shang Li.”
“Oh, thank God! That’s so good to hear.”
“We got him back and took down Liu Bao.”
“I can’t tell you how relieved I am,” she replied. “I can’t wait to see you.”
“You’re going to have to wait a little longer, I’m afraid. I need you to call Dinara Orlova,” I said, referring to the head of the Private office in Russia. “Tell her I’m coming to Moscow.”
“Moscow? No, Jack. You can’t go there. Not after what happened.”
“It’s because of what happened that I have to go back,” I replied. “It seems I have unfinished business with old enemies.”
“Oh, Jack. Please don’t do this,” she protested.
“I must. We’ll never be safe otherwise.”