Page 30 of 3 Days to Live
“What’s this all about?” asked the man.
“It’ll just be a moment, sir.” The massive guard faced him while blocking the door, his hands clasped to the front.The fig leaf pose, thought the man.
“Something funny?” asked the guard.
“Am I being detained?”
“Again, just a moment.”
“Marty, I’d like to speak with your supervisor.”
The guard made a quick, snorting sound, but said nothing. Then he stiffened. The skin around his eyes tightened as he scrutinized the well-dressed man seated at the table. “What did you just say?”
The well-dressed man watched the guard glance down to double-check whether he was wearing a nametag. He wasn’t.
“I didn’t tell you my name.”
The man smiled. “You didn’t need to. I already know that your name is Martin Reyes. That you drive a green 2010 Toyota Camry. That you live at 822 South Veitch Street in Arlington. That on your way home later, you plan to stop at the Lost Dog Tavern for trivia night and a couple of pitchers with the guys. And youdefinitelydidn’t tell me that on your Tinder profile you claim you actually prefer daiquiris.”
The well-dressed man regarded the bulky guard. “You know, Marty, I didn’t picture you as a frozen-drink guy, but after all these years it’s refreshing to be surprised every now and then.”
Marty didn’t seem to agree. He advanced toward the table with his fists clenched.
This was fun, but time to move along, the well-dressed man thought. He held up a finger. “Marty. Your supervisor? Tell him Chase Weldon from the FIRST Group is here.”
AVALON PARK’S CHIEF security officer burst into the room, nearly pushing the door off its hinges. He didn’t deign to introduce himself, but Chase knew his name was Barry Daniels.
“I just have one question,” said Daniels, dropping into the chair opposite Chase while Marty loomed behind him, his arms crossed across his wide chest, his face a hard mask.
“Shoot,” said Chase.
“Don’t tempt me.” Daniels leaned forward, getting into Chase’s space. “Who the fuck are you supposed to be?”
“I’m Chase Weldon, president and CEO of the FIRST Group.”
“Never heard of you. And you have two seconds before I walk out and lock you in here with him,” said Daniels, jerking his thumb at the big guard.
Chase shrugged. “Marty and I are bros.”
“No, we’re not,” said Marty, unamused.
“Fair enough,” said Chase, removing a business card from his jacket and sliding it across the table. “The FIRST Group—short for Fully Integrated Risk Strategy Team—conducts comprehensive risk assessments for high-end clients. During Phase One, we scrutinize your operation from every conceivable angle—your security practices, engineering, cyber hygiene—before you even know we’re looking. If you want to be the best in risk mitigation, you have to be FIRST.”
“You’re really in love with that acronym.”
“Passion is only part of what earns me executive pay.”
“So illegally surveilling my staff is Phase One?”
Chase looked wounded. “Is it illegal to follow someone to a crowded restaurant, sit close enough to eavesdrop, then see where they live?”
“Yes,” hissed Marty. Daniels looked up at the guard, who was now red in the face.
“Actually,” Chase pointed out, “it’s all open roads and public spaces, so it’s technically within the law, but I’m going to give you a pass on that one because you’re very large and I can tell you’re still kind of miffed at me.”
“If that’s Phase One, what the fuck is Phase Two?” asked Daniels. “Kidnapping?”