Page 53 of 3 Days to Live
Weldon consulted a slip of paper from another pocket. There appeared to be a string of characters scrawled on it, probably the link the Voice had given him before he smashed his phone.
Weldon hunched over the laptop and began typing. Pecking at it like some animal. Miles began to get angry.
He didn’t wake at 4:30 a.m., maintain a perfect physique, and do deep work for the hell of it. Everything was done in service of his company. And his company was the direct expression of his vision. He ate and drank and breathed Avalon. When he slept, he dreamed about Avalon. Miles wasn’t about to forfeit his life’s work.
He was so angry he almost missed his opening. Weldon’s gun lay on the desk, momentarily forgotten.
Miles slowly pulled his legs closer and planted his feet. He loosened his muscles and took three deep, quiet breaths. He visualized his outcome.
There was no time like the present.
WITHIN SECONDS, A verification code popped up on Gillen’s laptop. Chase typed it in as the CEO sat impatiently.
Suddenly, folder after folder telescoped on Gillen’s desktop, blooming like electronic flowers, opening almost too fast for the eye to see, until the screen froze on a dashboard. It was an Avalon account, and the time stamp showed a transaction from a minute before. The account’s total had lowered by $200 million. More folders bloomed.
“What are you doing?” asked Gillen.
Chase was staring at the screen as if in a trance. He hadn’t touched the laptop since typing in the verification code.
The computer was operating of its own accord. As if it had a mind of its own.
“I’m not sure…”
The screen froze again, revealing another account, this one unlabeled. He looked at the transaction history. One minute ago, the account had risen by $200 million.
Of course. That’s why there had been no evidence of an outside hack to the Avalon/Techtronics system. And why Madison had been tossed from the manufacturing plant before she would have discovered the same thing—or rather, the same nothing. Therewasno penetration.
You don’t need to hack your own system.
Chase realized it just as he saw movement in his peripheral vision. Fast movement.
Gillen launched himself from the couch, covering the distance between them in an instant. Chase reflexively protected the laptop instead of his 9-millimeter.
Which was now pointed directly at him.
“YOU IDIOT,” SAID Gillen, beaming. “You perfectly golden fucking idiot.”
“It’s you…” said Chase, stunned. He raised his hands. “You’rethe Voice, aren’t you?”
Gillen shook his head. It was a gesture of supreme frustration.
“No,” said the CEO as if speaking to a child, “of course I’m not the Voice, Weldon.”
“Then why does it look like you just paid yourself the $200 million ransom? I don’t understand…”
Gillen smiled briefly, but it looked more like an animal baring its teeth.
“Of course you don’t understand! It’s like showing a dog a card trick. I’m on the cusp of transforming the world but privacy advocates and grandstanding congressmen who still think the Internet is made of tubes are holding me back. Do you have any idea how maddening that is? It’s like Prometheus stealing fire and giving it to humanity, but man punishing him for it. It’s a scary world out there, but I’m making it a better place. Avalon will be pushing software updates and the next generation of Ava devices to keep our users safe.”
“Let me guess. With additional monitoring capabilities.”
Gillen shrugged. “People will cede some autonomy for convenience, but they’ll cede it all for security. All I needed to do was put some fear into them, and they’ll willingly hand over anything.”