Page 111 of Countdown
JEREMY WINDSORleaves Captain Bloom’s office feeling worn out and exhausted.It’s one thing to break and humiliate an enemy to gain one’s goals,he thinks,but another to do it to a fellow service member.Still, he has to get Amy and himself to New York, even if that means disgusting his own self by telling Captain Bloom what he knows about the captain’s tastes when it comes to enjoying some illegal pleasures in Brussels while visiting NATO headquarters.
The ashamed captain had finally broken, but not until after a lot of threats and yelling. At any other time, Jeremy would need a stiff drink and a hot shower to put him right, but there’s no time.
In the small exterior office, Amy is on Jeremy’s iPhone and he hears something odd as she disconnects and returns the phone to him. He takes the phone and says, “Did I hear you right? Did you tell someone that Jeremy and you were coming after hisass?”
“That’s right,” she says, adjusting her slacks around her waist, the weight of the 9mm Beretta tugging them down. “You’ve got good hearing.”
“Who was it?” he asks, seeing that the two RAF officers—no doubt having heard the yelling from Bloom’s office—have left the building.
“It was Rashad Hussain,” she says simply.
Jeremy, putting his iPhone back in his jacket, freezes at what he’s just heard.
“Amy, for God’s sake, please tell me you’re joking.”
“I’m not,” she says. “I got hold of my husband, Tom; he’s busy at work doing research for us, and when our call was completed, a call came in saying it was blocked. I answered it and it was Rashad.”
“For God’s sake, Amy, why in hell didn’t you come get me?”
She says, “You told me not to interrupt your meeting.”
“Not if bloody Rashad Hussain called!”
Amy’s face hardens. “Sorry, Jeremy, but he was on the phone, and he wanted to talk. I wasn’t going to risk putting him on hold or disconnecting him.”
“You still should have gotten me.”
“Well, I didn’t,” she says.
Jeremy says, “Amy, for Christ’s sake, pulling shit like that almost makes me regret rescuing you back there.”
Her eyes glare. “Let’s stop rewriting history, Mister Windsor. You didn’t rescue me;Irescued me. You offered me a lift, a shower, some food and clean clothes. All greatly appreciated. But don’t go medieval on my ass because I didn’t go trotting to you when that son of a bitch called.”
Jeremy actually grits his teeth. “What did he say?”
Amy’s teacup is still on the coffee table. She picks it up, takes a sip, makes a face. “Ugh,” she says. “Tastes like dishwater. Rashad? Oh, yeah—he apologized for all he’s done and says he’s going to surrender to us in front of the Statue of Liberty. He asked that we bring some bagels and cream cheese. Damn it, don’t be dense. He barely said a word.”
If Amy had been a fellow squaddie from the regiment, Jeremy knows he would have coldcocked her, right here and now. “Stop it,” he says. “Tell me what he said.”
She takes another swallow, grimaces again, puts the cup down. “Nothing. I wouldn’t let him finish. He said he wanted to talk to you. I told him you were busy. Then I told him you and I were on our way to kill him. He didn’t take it graciously.”
“Anything else?”
“A bit of discussion about his lack of manhood, how he was still desperately seeking Daddy’s attention, and I told him I had talked to his three half-sisters, who all said he had nightmares and wet the bed.”
“You…you haven’t talked to his sisters.”
“I know that, and you know that, but he doesn’t know that,” Amy says. “Look, Jeremy, the little shit was calling you to taunt you. I just gave it right back to him. Got him angry. Upset. In a foul mood. That happens, he might do something stupid. Overreact. Be impulsive. All things that can work in our favor.”
“That was…”
“Not smart?” Amy asks. “Maybe, but what he’s going to do otherwise? Plan to kill people twice tomorrow?”
Jeremy shakes his head again. “You…enough. I’ve got transport to the United States—an American Air Force base in New Jersey. Two Typhoon jet fighters will be landing here in less than half an hour. They were designated to fly to Ramstein in Germany, but their orders are now being changed.”
“Good job,” Amy says.