Page 18 of A Villain’s Lies
“Okay, you asked for it, friend.” Avani tilts her head, and I can almost see the thoughts passing through her eyes. “I think you are a cocky son of a bitch, whose ego is too big for his pants. You believe the world should revolve around you and that you can fuck whomever you please with no consequences.”
“Is that all?” I ask, lifting a brow. Not sure why I want her to keep going, but I do.
“No, but that’s all I got right now.” She sets the empty glass on the table. “Take me home now, please.” Avani stands on wobbly legs and smiles. I reach for her, but she brushes me off and goes straight to where my car is parked. I open the door for her, and she looks up at me, surprised, before she slides in.
As soon as we’re on the road, she falls asleep without a word.
When I stop at her place, I see her roommate straight away. Destiny spots me and is heading to the door until she sees Avani in my passenger seat. I get out, open her door, and reach for her shopping bags.
“Avani.” I say her name, but she doesn’t respond. She stays perfectly still, her mouth slightly open as she sleeps. Not seeing much choice, I reach down, and slide one hand under her legs, the other bracing her back as I lift her up. She rests in my arms easily as I carry her inside.
Destiny looks on, not saying a word, as I walk Avani to her room and lay her on the bed. After placing her stuff at the foot of the bed I turn to leave when she says my name, “Grayson.”
“If you didn’t fuck my roommate, we could have…” She goes back to sleep before finishing what she was about to say.
“Could have what?” I ask, but she’s asleep now, and all I’m going to think about is the… what if?
“Are you back for her or me?” Destiny asks from the hallway.
Avani turns over and curls herself up into a ball as I walk out and shut the door.
I’m now face-to-face with Destiny.
What was I thinking?
Oh, that’s right. I was pissed at the little troublemaker asleep right now.
So pissed that she made my cock hard.
I fucking hate how my body wants her, and my mind knows better.
So I fucked her friend, thinking it would help get Avani out of my head. Then the bitch hit me with a damn pan. Honestly, who hits someone with a frying pan?
“You do realize I fucked you, nothing more,” I tell her.
“But we can fuck again,” she offers.
“Yeah, that’s not going to happen.”
“Why, because of her?” She nods toward Avani’s room.
“Yes and no. Yes, because she asked me not to. And no, because I never fuck the same cunt twice.” I smile at her.
“She will never want you, you know that?” she bites back, thinking that’s the reason.
“I’m her boss. Don’t be jealous, Destiny. It doesn’t look good on you.” I head to the front door, but her words stop me.
“As if I would be jealous of a two-bit whore.”
I spin around to face her. “I would watch your words around me. I have no issue taking them from you.”
“Taking them?” she asks, her eyes glancing around the room refusing to make eye contact with me as she fidgets with her hands showing me she is suddenly nervous. As she should be.
“Yes, taking them straight from your mouth…with my fucking knife.” Her eyes go wide, and she steps back, fear now fully in place. “Now you get it. You saw the allure and wanted a piece but didn’t think how dangerous it could be.” I smile cruelly at her. “Goodbye, Destiny. Be nice to your roommate, or I’ll come and visit when you’re sleeping.”
Little does she know, I’m not lying.