Page 23 of A Villain’s Lies
My phone buzzes and I see Zuko’s name on the screen. He’ll be wanting an update—I should have checked in by now. But I can’t do it. After what I saw, I can’t leave this place—not with this guy alive.
Grinding my teeth, I grip the photographs I collected, my gloves ensuring I don’t leave any fingerprints, as I watch him end the call and turn the covers down.
I won’t have long to wait. Men don’t take long to fall asleep. It’s the women who take forever, their brains never switching off.
I wasn’t aware of the reason I was meant to be snooping until I got here.
He is a businessman, a CEO, I was told. The look of his house and the car he drives confirm he’s successful.
From my snooping I didn’t find any evidence of a wife or kids. And thank fuck for that.
This man is all types of fucked up and should not be living let alone have a family. As soon as I hear the first soft snore, I get up and slowly open the closet door—it’s new, so it doesn’t make a sound. Shutting it behind me, I creep over to his bed and stare down at the cretin. His sheets are bright white as if they are cleaned and freshened every day. It’s a shame my preferred method of killing is strangulation. I would love to torture this motherfucker and watch his blood seep onto the sheets, staining them a brilliant crimson. But that’s too messy, and leaves way more evidence behind. It’s best to stick with what I know. A smile creeps across his face as he sleeps and is as sickening as what I found in that closet.
I feel my phone vibrate again, but I ignore it.
He rolls over, which is his first mistake because now his throat is perfectly in my view. I reach down, letting my hand do what it wants as it grips his neck and starts to squeeze. He doesn’t move at first, then the sensation of my fingers tightening around his neck permeates his sleep and he realizes his breathing isn’t right. His eyes fling open, wide and terrified as I stare down at him.
Stupid, dirty man.
What a fucked-up thing you are.
The scumbag’s feet start to kick, and his fingers claw at my hands, but my leather gloves protect me from his attack.
A trick I learned early on.
If there is, burn the house.
Zuko did that to the first man I killed. That guy tore up my hands so badly that it looked like I got in a fight with a cat.
A soft gasp brings me back to the present as my victim tries to speak, scream, anything. But I merely apply more pressure and smile.
“Boo,” I whisper and tighten my grip further. It’s not long until his hands fall to his sides and his eyes stop blinking.
This, or worse, is how all men like him should reach their death.
Not happy.
I step back after I maintain pressure for a few more seconds, just to be sure, and my phone rings again. This time I answer it, and Zuko’s voice comes through.
“Hit was canceled,” he says.
“Too late, already done.” I hurriedly tell him before he hangs up.
He grunts in reply but says nothing more, so I disconnect the call.
As I walk out of the mark’s house, I know tonight when I go home to sleep, I’ll rest easy.