Page 31 of A Villain’s Lies
“You stink.”
She opens her mouth and blows a breath in my face with not a care in the world. “Cocksucker,” she mumbles.
Getting out, she stands on wobbly legs, then makes her way to the front steps leading up to the porch. I stand back and watch her struggle to find the key and put it into the lock. “Fucking hell.” Her keys drop to the wet ground, and when she bends down to retrieve them, she loses her balance, her hands just barely catching herself before she loses the battle and lands with her firm ass in a puddle. “This is why I don’t drink,” she mutters, lying down on the wet grass.
I study her for a little while before I move, so I’m standing above her. “Get the fuck up.”
Her eyes are closed, but they spring open at the sound of my voice. “Go away. I was sleeping.”
“Where are your keys?” I scan the ground but can’t see them.
“Possibly under my ass,” she mumbles, her eyes closing again.
“You are a terrible drunk.” I reach for the buckle on her belt and pull. It lifts her ass up so I can reach under and grab her keys.
“And you are manhandling me,” she complains.
“Shut up,” I reply and walk the step up the porch to the front door. When I turn back to her, she hasn’t moved, and her eyes are closed again. “Fuck me.”
I walk back down the porch and lift her up easily into my arms. She grumbles something, but I don’t care. I carry her inside and lay her on the couch, where she rolls straight to her stomach and starts to snore.
For a moment I think about getting her out of her wet clothes so she doesn’t catch a cold. I would be a real asshole if I allowed her to get sick. I set her bag on the table and take one last look at her sleeping form. It’s time to leave. I head to the door and silently close it behind me. The door whips open and Avani is standing on the threshold, her hair a tangled mess.
“I hate you,” she states, her voice softer than I’ve ever heard it. She leans up and kisses my cheek, then pushes my chest and shuts the door in my face with a loud bang.
The feeling is mutual, I think.
At least I keep telling myself that.