Page 32 of Fair Catch
“I love my job,” I tell her. “And I’m sorry, I don’t really know what you do.”
“I told you, she decides our fate,” Alex says. “Ain’t that right, P?”
Peyton squints her eyes and glares at Alex. “It’s nothing like that,” she says. “I analyze the game and help the players play to their potential.”
“She busts our balls,” Noah adds. Peyton looks at her husband and it’s like I can see a stream of love moving from her to him and vice versa. I don’t know if it’s the way they stare at each other or what, but they’re probably the most in-love couple I’ve ever met.
After meeting Peyton, Alex introduces me to Julius and Autumn, his wife. And once again, I find myself standing there with a gaping mouth.
“Are any of your friends not famous?”
Alex chuckles. “I don’t know if being our local meteorologist qualifies as being famous.”
“I say it does.”
“Duly noted.”
Alex takes me toward the balcony. “Close your mouth.”
“What? Why?” We step outside and there he is.They are. Liam. Harrison. Jimmy “JD” Davis. All three are more perfect than their pictures. They’re sitting at one end of the terrace, and no one is bothering them. Alex guides me to the opposite corner, away from the band. “I’m shell-shocked. I need to get over it.”
“I get it,” he says. “I think I’m just used to them being around. Liam was at the game.”
“He was?”
Alex nods. “Noah’s family doesn’t miss a game. At least his dad doesn’t. Even when they’re on tour, his dad is in the stands every game, no matter where or when end up playing for the week.”
“You know, I think I remember reading something about Liam and his son. I guess I never put two and two together when I moved here.”
“4225 West does a lot for the community here. Anytime we have a fundraiser, they come and perform.”
“That’s really nice of them.”
Alex nods toward them, but now that more and more people have shown up, it’s hard to see the guys. I’m shocked no one bothers them. No one hounds them for photos or autographs. “Liam sang the National Anthem at the Super Bowl last year. It was poignant because his son was one of the starting quarterbacks for the game. I think everyone cried.”
“Where’s Noah’s mom?”
“If she came, she’s probably inside.”
“Just hearing you speak about them makes me miss my family. We’re close. Sometimes I hate being so far away from them.”
Alex reaches for my hand. “Maybe they’ll come to visit soon.”
“Yeah,” I say, nodding. “Although it’s a good thing my mom isn’t here now, or she’d be over there talking to them.” My head tilts toward the band. “She’s obsessed.”
“Sort of like her daughter.” Alex chuckles.
“More like starstruck. This is all new to me. It’s going to take some getting used to. Who on your team has a normal partner?”
“Normal?” Alex’s eyebrow rises.
“You know, not famous or on TV or whatever.”
“Um.” He looks into the apartment and shrugs. “I’m not really sure. Chase’s best friend is a local radio personality. Cameron is dating a mega popular influencer.” Alex shrugs. “And I’m dating an acquisitions editor. I’d say everyone is normal.”
“You know what I mean.” I push his arm with my hand, only for him to grab it and bring it to his mouth. He kisses my knuckles and then leans forward to kiss me.
“You don’t give yourself enough credit. I think you have a very cool job, and I love that you’re helping me write a book. I feel lucky to be in your presence.”