Page 26 of All Roads Lead Home
Mrs. Carson gave me a surprised look, but it was filled with amusement. “And why do you say that, dear?”
I could just let it out. What the hell? What did I have to lose? My dignity had already been lost with this lot when I was eight.
“Actually, the reason I’m here is because Clark went behind my back and talked to my boss about an article I was writing.”
I explained the best I could without giving out any information.
My head was hurtingfor the third time in a row, and this time I was not lying to myself that it all was just some sort of coincidence.
“We’ve been at this for hours,” I groaned as I threw another paper across the desk toward Prescott.
The asshole looked unfazed by our lack of progress in the last two days.
“You seem highly motivated to wrap this case up quicker than before,” he noted without looking at me—at least directly.
But I knew him, and he was taking note of my every move. Calculating bastard, he was.
“I just want a clean slate for when I take over.” I shrugged. It wasn’t a lie.
At that, Prescott turned toward me and smirked, those fucking predatory eyes gleaming.
“Clean slate.” He tasted the words like they were foul. “Is that what we are calling the cute little journalist?”
My hand fisted at the way he referred to Oriana.
Instead of engaging with him, I reached for the pitcher of lemonade his mother had brought in earlier. Ever since she’d divorced his father, she had been here living with him. I almost felt bad for the patriarch of the Dunnett family. None of his kids wanted anything to do with him. The only one who still had contact with him was Prescott, and that was more out of duty than anything else.
“I miss Rachel,” I said, and he flinched.
Maybe I was being petty, but that statement still held true.
“Her lemonade was on point. Not too sweet, and she always had snacks for when we had late nights.”
Prescott’s jaw was set in a hard line, and the look he afforded me promised payback. I smirked at him.
“Is there a reason why you’re bringing up my ex-wife?”
“No, just voicing my opinions. Despite all your issues.” I pointed a finger at him. “She was always nice to me. Smart as hell, too.”
Prescott picked up another paper and pretended to skim it. “If she was so great, why didn’tyoudate her?”
“I would never make a move on your wife,” I said smugly.
“Ex-wife,” he added, then sighed. “This fucker is getting on my last nerve.” Prescott threw some papers my way, now more agitated than before. “We know about the charity embezzlement, but we also suspect he’s laundering money.”
“Just not for who,” I added.
And that was what we were really after, because it meant the mayor was in on the pipeline facilitating drugs through this part of the state.
“The big press love him, or he’s blackmailing them so they won’t report anything against him. At least not about this. Re-election is coming, and that will be another thing.”
“That’s why you don’t want her in this mess. The crossfire won’t be pretty,” Prescott added correctly.
My phone pinged with a message before I could say anything else. My fingers clutched my phone. My little brother had sent a text with a picture of Oriana sitting in my parents’ dining room.
Blake:Sure you’re not coming for family dinner?