Page 9 of All Roads Lead Home
“Then you’re done investigating Gilbert Callahan.”
I opened my mouth at the sudden rage I felt, then closed it again. It was safe to say I didn’t take kindly to anyone telling me what I could or could not do—especially a man.
“I’m a journalist. Investigating people is kind of what I do,” I spat.
“You can write your little paper without tailing the mayor.”
Oh, he didnotjust say that.
Who the hell did he think he was? Oh, no, this was not happening. My hands went to my hips.
“You just pissed her off,” Detective Dex murmured.
“I don’t tell you how to do your job, and you don’t tell me how to do mine.”
“When it causes concern for your safety, I do.”
“You are way cuter when there are no words coming out of your mouth.”
Oh, fuck. I didnotjust say that out loud.
My no-curse streak was doing so well before tonight. Lucas was going to be so disappointed in me. Judging by the snickers coming from the detective, I knew I had said it aloud.
The show must go on.
“This is not a hobby. It’s myjob, andIwill continue to do my job asIsee fit.”
At that, Clark smiled. And this smile did not cause me flutters, but instead had me wanting to run away as fast as I could.
Turnsout Icouldbe told what to do. In return for letting this thing go, I was told that no charges were going to be pressed against me. Who knew that causing a bar riot came with heavy consequences? I was livid, but I would figure all that out later.
I refused to talk to Clark, and since Prescott wasn’t a cop, I was back to sitting with Dex, who told me to call him Dex and stop referring to him as “Detective.”
“I’ll try to see what I can do about your purse.”
“That would be great.” My tone was clipped.
He looked at the now-open door, where I knew Clark lingered.
“It’s for your own safety,” he added.
“Been taking care of myself since I was twelve, and I’ve been doing just fine.”
The detective looked resigned. “Do you need a ride home?”
My face blanched. Oh, no. How was I going to get home? My car was at Heavenly, but that didn’t matter, because my keys were gone. Crap. I couldn’t even get into my apartment.
“Can I borrow a phone?” I hated to ask, especially since I was still mad.
“Follow me.”
I squared my shoulders and stood up, following behind Dex, pretending Clark wasn’t there. He was blocking the doorway, and I had two options: either try to squeeze past him or speak to him. Since I didn’t want any of my body parts near him, option two was the way to go.
“Excuse me, Detective Carson, but I’m trying to get by,” I told him in a monotone voice.
“Really, Ore—”