Page 44 of The Seduction
The rest of the wedding was delightful. Danny played ring bearer, which made everyone murmur with amusement. And then there were the flower kids—Billy Cooper’s two children, a boy and a girl, both of whom scattered white rose petals down the aisle. Conor—hell of a voice—sang one of Gault’s classics as a kind of blessing from above.
After the vows, Thomas swept Carly off her feet and kissed her so deeply she was gasping by the end of it. All the guests sighed with happiness. Granger included. He wasn’t sentimental, generally speaking. What hard-boiled FBI agent was? But something about the way Carly and Thomas treasured each other—as if they knew the pain of separation—hit him right in the gut.
These two were destined for a happy life. And the slight swell of her stomach in the vintage wedding dress that her mother had brought from Los Angeles added another layer of joy.
Who could blame him for being a little envious?
Or getting a little drunk at the reception?
Or dancing with Bliss in the darkest, most private corner of the Blue Drake?
Or watching the pulse throb in her throat? The flutter of her eyelashes that couldn’t hide the desire darkening her eyes? There was something different about Bliss tonight, and it wasn’t just because of the wedding. That time she’d spent holed up in her room had shifted something, and now he saw a wild glint in her eye.
He touched his forehead to hers. She was so tall that he only had to tilt his neck a little. They were perfect for each other in that respect, anyway, even if nothing else fit. They moved together well, too. She was so light on her feet, as if she might blow away, while he kept a firm hold on her, one hand spread across her narrow back. He felt her breath on his neck, smelled her light citrus scent, along with a touch of sweat from all her hard work for the wedding. He liked that hint of sweat; it made it even easier to imagine her naked.
Tension throbbed between them, insistent and irresistible.Want. Soon.Now.
“Are you thinking what I’m thinking?” he finally growled.
“That I should have put one more flower in Carly’s French twist?”
He snorted. “On the list of things I’d never think, that’s up there.”
Her teasing laughter made his cock ache. He’d been semi-aroused since the wedding. “Then maybe…that we should get out of here?”
“Now you’re getting closer.”
He felt her smile against his neck. “I can’t ditch my sister’s wedding.”
“Why not? She did.”
Bliss lifted her head to look around.
“They took off a few minutes ago. Slipped out without telling anyone. I don’t think anyone noticed except me.”
“FBI surveillance?”
“You got it. I can get us out of here without anyone noticing too.”
“I don’t care about that. I don’t care what anyone thinks.”
He raised his eyebrows. “What changed? Did something happen at Carly’s house? You seemed pretty upset during the half-second you flew through the suite to your room.”
In answer, she licked his neck. Good God. “Let’s just say I’m done holding back.”
He gazed down at her. Her usual dreaminess was nowhere to be seen. In its place was naked desire.
Was she saying what he thought she was saying? He wasn’t sure he could survive another false start. “You’re sure about this? We can take it slow.”
She pulled back with a frown. “Granger, I swear, if you treat me like some kind of Limoges vase that requires special handling, I’ll bite you.”
When she bared her teeth like that, he believed her. “What’s a Limoges?” he asked.
“We can discuss china later.” Impatiently, she took his hand and they made their way to the door. He spotted Alvin Carter and remembered he was supposed to talk to him after the wedding. But the older man waved him on with a grin.
Coolest old guy on the planet.
Outside the cozy club, the storm had arrived in an uproar of blowing snow and howling gusts. Granger held Bliss close as they shouldered into the wind. The short walk took nearly twice as long as usual, and by the time they burst through the door, they were both laughing and exhilarated. The lobby was empty; Mrs. Wegman was probably still at the wedding reception.