Page 7 of The Seduction
“Anything else?” he called over the howl of the wind.
She shook her head, and with the wind at their backs now, they hurried toward the walkway that led around to the front of the inn. Wicked exhilaration coursed through his veins. When had he last felt like this? Whenever it was, it must have been long, long ago. Before the accumulations of life, work and disillusionment.
It must be the wind making his pulse jump. Meeting nature head-on like this would make anyone’s heart rate speed up. It was normal here in Minnesota. Obviously it had nothing to do with the flighty model he was pretending to safeguard.
With Granger’s broad form leading the way, Bliss hauled her bag into the Inn. A fluttering of snow followed them inside, as if it didn’t want the party to end. She found herself laughing with sheer delight at their escape from the storm. Even though she and Granger had been at odds ever since she stepped off the elevator, now it felt as if they were old friends. Nothing like surviving a walk through a blizzard to create a bond.
They stomped the snow off their boots just inside the lobby. Vaguely, she was aware of other guests occupying the armchairs by the hearth, and someone checking in at the reception desk. Everyone else seemed to form a kind of hazy backdrop, however. Her attention was entirely focused on the man carrying her cases as if they weighed no more than a pizza box.
There was just something about Granger. Something outsized. Fascinating. As if winning his approval would be like climbing a mountain.
She’d noticed a deep groove in his left cheek. Just the left. Not the right. Even though his face lent itself to a harsh expression, there was a plushness to his lips that hinted at something more sensual. They were pillowy, those lips. What would they feel like against hers? Or on her skin? Her naked skin, say, right above her collarbone? Or in the dip below her hipbone?
The explicit thought snapped her out of her reverie. She had no business indulging in sexual fantasies about a man she’d just barely met, a man who was pretending to work for her. She had an active fantasy life, and normally she didn’t police it at all. It was her consolation prize for having no sex life. She’d made a bargain with herself early in her career, once she realized how the business could turn into a meat grinder. No sex. Make money. Get out.
Rarely was she even tempted, because she stood by her decision one hundred percent. This reaction to Granger was new. Unsettlingly so.
She turned to see her half-sister advancing toward her with open arms. Carly’s green eyes sparkled with joy; in fact, everything about her radiated contentment. Apparently falling in love was a fantastic beauty aid.
“Hey you!” Bliss dropped the bag she carried and dashed the rest of the way toward Carly. They collided in a laughing embrace. “I’m so happy for you!” Bliss murmured in her ear.
“I didn’t know you were arriving today!”
“You know me.” Bliss shrugged and squeezed her more tightly. “Queen of the last-minute plan change.”
“There should be a word for that, like people who sneak away from a party. Irish goodbye, right? I guess this is an Irish hello.”
They drew apart, though Carly still held onto her hands. “You can stay with us, you know. We have a den with a pullout couch.” She winced as the words left her mouth. “Yeah, I just heard that. Never mind. You made the right choice.”
“It doesn’t sound bad at all,” Bliss assured her. “But you know me. I love my privacy.”
Carly’s gaze slid to Granger, who stood a few feet away, probably unsure if he should hang around to get introduced.
“Head of security,” Bliss explained. It wasn’t really a lie, but she’d explain the whole situation later, when there weren’t other people nearby. “Meet Earl Granger.”
“Just Granger,” said Granger. He set down a case and shook Carly’s hand. “Congratulations on your upcoming wedding.”
“Thanks.” Carly looked a little bemused by the sight of the large man shaking her hand. “And thanks for taking care of Bliss. How long have you worked for her?”
“I’d have to check my records,” Granger said gravely.
Bliss’ lips twitched.
His manner sent a clear message to stay away from that topic, or any topic really. Amazing how he dialed into badass mode so effortlessly.
“Okay then,” said Carly. “Well, let me know if you need anything. It’s pretty quiet here in the winter, so you might get a little bored if you’re used to fending off bad guys.”
“I don’t get bored.” Granger’s deep voice acted on Bliss’ nervous system in the weirdest way. As if he was both soothing her and exciting her simultaneously.
“Hm.” Carly seemed almost as fascinated by Granger as Bliss was, but nevertheless she switched her attention back to Bliss. “Things are crazy right now, obviously, but you have to come over as soon as possible. And we need to talk about the wedding. Are you still up for…”
“Hair and makeup? Of course! Nothing fancy, though. I’m not a trained professional, just someone who’s watched about a million hours of real makeup artists working their magic.”
“Hey, I’ll take it.” Carly hugged her again. “Thank you, Bliss. Oh! I thought of something else. Gault’s apartment in the Blue Drake might be available. Conor had been staying there, but then he rented an office where he was spending most of his time. He and Emmaline got back from Hawaii a couple weeks ago and they’ve been looking for their own place. You could—”