Page 71 of The Seduction
She shrugged, giving him a sidelong smile. “You can add, ‘likes to amateur-diagnose people’s emotional problems’ to my list, if you want.”
“Emotionalproblems? Like what? What the hell makes you think I avoid commitment? I’m here, aren’t I?”
“Yes, but there must be a reason an absolutely beautiful and spectacular man like you is still single and available, and I’m guessing it has to do with that missing father of yours.”
When she put it that way, how could he possibly be mad at her?
On the other hand, she still had it wrong. There was a good chance he was still single and available because he hadn’t metheryet.
He didn’t know what to do with that thought.
He realized she was frowning at him with a puzzled look. “This missing father. Is that the research project you’ve been working on? Is that what you were doing in Lake Bittersweet the last time? Is that the thing you didn’t want to tell me?” She gave a loud gasp. “Is that why you were lurking around the Blue Drake?”
Damn. That “smarter than she wants people to think” line was even more accurate than he’d realized.
Once Granger had told her the entire story of his history with Lake Bittersweet, and his search for answers about his father, Bliss felt she knew him on a much deeper level. No wonder he seemed to hide behind that gruff facade. There was hurt back there, and maybe even shame.
She understood why he hadn’t told her until now. He was embarrassed. He’d been carrying around that blank spot in his background like a stigma. Maybe he was ashamed, but now that she knew his story, she cared for him even more.
She couldn’t help it. Shewasfalling for him. That was just a fact. Or maybe she’d already lost her heart to him somewhere between foot rubs and stab wounds.
Had he changed, too? Was there a crack in that stern exterior? She couldn’t tell. He refused to relax and let her take care of him. If she did something as basic as making a green smoothie for him, he’d check to make sure running the blender hadn’t made her queasy. Then he’d scowl at the smoothie and mutter something about hippie drinks.
Luckily, she was armed with the nutritional information about the healing benefits of kale and bananas and coconut milk. With Granger, it was all about facts and science. She could work with that. All she needed to do was back up her smoothies with facts and he’d drink them right down.
The other thing she now understood was why he had enough money to take a leave from his job at the FBI. He’d told her about the fund his mother had left for him. At first he’d wanted to ignore it, but when he found out about the baby, he’d changed his mind.
Granger was nothing if not practical. He was always straightforward. He didn’t lie or manipulate. Sure, he’d hidden some of his most personal troubles from her, but he wasn’t doing that anymore.
Did that mean that he was developing deeper feelings for her too?
If so, he sure didn’t mention it. She didn’t either. Should she? What would she say if she did?
I know I said we should stick to coparenting, but I don’t feel that way anymore. I think I love you. Is it too late? Have you moved on?
Moved on…the thought of Granger loving someone else someday, turning the intensity of those deep amber eyes on another woman, made her want to weep.
Then again, most things made her want to weep, so it was probably just the hormones. Amazing how many things you could blame on those mindfuckers.
About a week after their return to Lake Bittersweet, Carly and Thomas came to visit them, along with little Teddy, who was now about a month old. He had masses of dark hair and looked very much like the grandson of an iconic rocker.
Carly handed the baby to Bliss and spread out a blanket on the little stretch of beach past the terrace. With a thrill of pride, Bliss recognized it as the green and blue blanket she’d knitted for her nephew. She’d knitted quite a few since then, and tended to lose track.
“You look terrified,” Carly said as she pulled out a tube of baby sunscreen.
Indeed, Bliss was holding Teddy as if he was a bomb about to detonate. And yes, shewasterrified. “This is going to sound strange, but the last baby I spent any time with belonged to the passenger sitting next to me on a flight to Germany. I played a lot of peekaboo, but that’s it.”
She braced herself, waiting for Carly’s “typical flaky Bliss” reaction. It didn’t come. Instead, Carly brushed her hand across her son’s hair and gave Bliss a sympathetic smile. “I’d be more worried if you weren’t terrified. But you’ll be fine.”
She dabbed sunscreen on her son’s face while he squirmed and giggled.
“Why in the world would you say that? You know me. One mess after another.”
Carly took a rattle from a straw tote bag. “Is this your Blondie act again?” She made a comical face at Teddy and shook the rattle. Her goofy expressions made a funny contrast with the seriousness of her words. “Don’t underestimate yourself, Bliss. You took on a corrupt congressman and an international sketchiness ring and you beat them!”
Bliss shook her head. “I stumbled into that situation and made it out by the skin of my teeth. And I nearly got Granger killed.”